One step closer

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"Okay then I'll come with you" he said as though it was final. It probably was

"But you need to take them to your pack"

"Our pack but no I'll have my beta take them"

"Your beta came as well" I said unable to hide my shock causing him to burst into a loud booming laugh that was so contagious I laughed out forgetting all my problems

"No but I'll ask him to come. So there's only one thing I'm asking"

"What's that" I said. His stare rendering me breathless

"That you spend the night with me" his eyes staring into my soul

"Well how could I say no"

*Alisons pov *
I was up at the first ray of sunlight, my wolf not liking the fact that she's been away from Aiden for so long. We had stayed over at the former alpha's house and when I tell you it was tiny I mean it was TINY but then again he didn't have a mate or children so I couldn't judge him however for a rogue pack that had so many wolves the houses seemed so small and, and I can't remember the word but it seemed like they were in a rush to build the houses some of them weren't even complete and others just had only the outside of the building to be done on the inside however it was completely empty like those cardboard houses that we made as children were the outside seemed really nice but the inside was just bare and empty.
But what baffled me the most though was that this was a place where they had claimed to be living for years.

And I know my parents if there was anything they hated more than omegas it was rogues so I wondered why they would let them settle so close if not they had something to gain from them. Also I've never seen a pack of wolves join a pack so easily especially after their alpha was killed but the leader of the other pack. And then finding another mate? It all didn't make sense to me but then nothing that has happened recently really made any sense to me

"I won't trust chase if I were you" Amara said for the first time since yesterday

"Weren't you the one who was literally obsessing over him just yesterday?"

"Yeah but during the night I tried contacting his wolf but we didn't have any connection at all" she said sounding a bit befuddled

"We'll that's strange" I agreed knowing that our wolf companions form a bond as soon as we meet our mates

"But that's not the strangest part, when I finally got a hold of him he didn't seem excited or happy even he seemed rather frantic he kept acting weird and saying haunting things. It was like he was trying to warn us. I couldn't understand most of it but the one I got crystal clear was that we shouldn't mate with him" she sounded out of breath obviously from talking so much

"What why wouldn't we mate with him" I asked her a bit unsure

"Just trust me on the one okay! I have to rest I've been up all night trying to figure this out"

"Okay okay I trust you" I sighed knowing better than to argue with her

I began humming lightly to my self while snooping through the empty houses

"Huhum" I heard someone clear their throat causing me scream and Juno about three feet in the air

"Oh" I said putting my hand on my chest seeing as it was just chase

"Chase you scared me" I said to him while trying to calm my beating heart

"It's alpha chase to you" he said with such a harsh tone I visibly flinched

"You don't act like an alpha probably because you've been around that damn runt and away from your own kind for too long" he said while grimacing at me

"I well.. um I" I stuttered causing me to clear my throat

"I wanted to ask about the houses they seem so lifeless and empty" I said after mustering up the courage to ask him about it

"Well you know how rogues are always moving from one place to another so they probably haven't had much time to complete it" he said walking away

"Yeah I know but they said they've been here for years I'm sure they've had enough time to finish it by now" I said still genuinely confused

"Maybe they just left it halfway because they knew they were going to move soon" he said still not slowing down

"You think? But what I don't understand is why my parents would let them settle so close to their territory" I asked him while trying to catch up with him

"I don't know and can you stop following me" he all but yelled at me causing me to stop walking abruptly.

After a while of just standing there I decided to just walk away back to the abandoned alpha's house and wait for his beta to come

*time skip*

"Hey" I heard 'alpha chase' call out for me

"I'm over here" I called back
"My beta Michael is here and he's taking the wolves back to my pack so we can start going back to your parents pack"

"Ok" was the only thing I replied as I was still grumpy from the way he spoke to me

"You can't still be angry about that ....... Okay I'm sorry you know I'm just a bit jumpy, I didn't mean it like that" he sounded so sincere I couldn't help believing him

"I'm sorry too I'm just on alert you know I think it's because I've not seen my kids for so long and I can't help but miss them" I confessed purposely avoiding talking about Aiden as I knew it was still a sore topic for him

And with that I picked Aiden up from the bed and slowly dragged him out to the car as I knew chase was not planning on helping me. Once I had gotten him safely secured in the car I walked over and sat in the passenger seat as chase started up the car and began driving away and the only thing on my mind at the start of this long journey is that I'm one step closer to finally getting my family back


Heyyyy guys I just couldn't wait for Sunday sooo I posted today 🎉🎉🎉
1000+ obviously 😏
Something fishy about chase or is it just me?
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See you on Sunday
Yes you'll still get another chapter on Sunday

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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