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I walk out of the bathroom and down the hall almost walking straight into my dad. I step back and he puts his hand on my arm and I quickly pull back.

"Diana can we just talk?" He looks at me and I shake my head.

"I'm sorry but I can't forgive you, I don't care how much you want to apologise to me just don't. Do what you've done for the last few years, don't bother me." I state and he gives me a sad look that makes me feel guilty but I walk past him and Charlie stops me.

"Me and melody got suspended, I only got two days but she has two weeks. The video is taken down and they made her show her recently deleted and everything." Charlie says and I nod.

"And I suspect I'm suspended too?"

"No, obviously not. Mrs Daniels says none of this is your fault. It isn't Diana, melody done this for god know why." Charlie adds and I wrap my arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you Charlie." I rest my head against his chest and he rubs my back swaying us side it side.

"Do not thank me, we're best friends and I'll always be here for you seriously." He pats my back then I lean back and smile at him.

"I've got to go, my parents are waiting outside since I have to leave." He nods towards the door and I nod.

"I'll text you later."

"Can't wait." He blows a kiss walking away and I blow one back at him, I turn around and Jane was walking toward me quickly.

"Diana. Can I just talk to you. For a second please." Jane puts her hands together and I sigh and nod indicating for her to talk.

"I was going to tell you about your dad and I, I knew your reaction wouldn't be good so I kept putting it off."

"You should of told me the minute you saw him, I want you to be happy Jane but I don't get how you can be happy with a man like him."

"He's changed, he really has."

"I find that hard to believe, I don't get either how you could do that to my mom-"

"Your mom was terrible, I took you away from her for a reason-"

"My dad wasn't any better! He left me with her and he knew what he was doing." I shake my head and take a step back and Jane sighs.

"Come home Diana-"

"No thank you." I turn around walking to the class I had next.

✺   ✺   ✺

The bell rings for the last class so I pack up my things, I have detention which is..great. But that means I'll be there with miss snow. I'm really overthinking it, I don't have a crush on her. I CANT have a crush on her. Right....

I walk out of the classroom before walking towards miss snows classroom, my heart is beating really fast. I've had detention the last two weeks with her, today isn't any different. I've only known her like two weeks?

I wait outside the class as the last few people walk out, as I go to walk in she's talking to a student. She smiles at her, does she have a crush on her? Now I'm really overthinking this..

I shake off my thoughts and the student nods and waves before walking out of the classroom giving me a small polite smile, I don't smile back but I just walk into the class. I take a seat at the front table, maybe I should have sat back further away.

"You ran out of the bathroom in a rush earlier, are you okay?" She speaks up and my heart slips up my throat.

"I-Um-who-Yeah I'm fine." I scratch the side of my head stuttering like an idiot. She looks up at me, oh god those glasses. I stare back at her and her lip twitches up and she raises an eyebrow at me. I look away quickly and start fiddling with my bag to distract myself, I'm surprised I didn't drool.

"Can you help me in the library again? I'm sorry, we nearly have it finished but we started it together so I thought you'd want to help me finish it." She walks around her desk and slips her glasses onto the top of her head. I drop my bag and nod.

"Yeah sure." I stand and she nods and turns around walking out of the classroom. We walk down the hall and I fiddle with my hands walking a little behind her. She slows down and I do too, if I walk next to her I think I'll trip.

She stops walking and looks back at me suspiciously, I stop too and bite the inside of my cheek. When she looks at me I feel dizzy. I think I like her. I mean I thought I liked melody but the way I felt about her was different. She didn't make me feel weird and dizzy, she just made me felt...normal maybe?

"Why are you acting all weird?" She asks.

"I'm not. Sorry I'm just-"

"Stop apologising, it's all you do. You've done nothing wrong." She laughs and nods, like that. She's so...reassuring. Charlie likes all of our male teachers, it's normal to have a small tiny crush on a teacher right? It's not like anything is gonna happen.

We walk into the library and there's a few stacks of books on the floor from the last day we were here. Miss snow walks over to the stack of books bending down to pick some up, my eyes glue to her butt. I take a few steps back and fall onto a chair making me...and the chair fall back into the floor.

"Ow." I huff and I hear footsteps and miss snow looks down at me.

"Diana, what are you doing for christs sake?" She furrows her eyebrows and I point at the chair.

"The chair made me fall, it was all the chairs fault." I huff and she shakes her head and lets out a laugh, making me laugh too.

"Get up." She smiles holding out her hands for me to take, I reach up and take her hands and I swear I feel like I've been electrocuted. We both make eye contact and she pulls me up, her hands are really cold.

"Did the chair do any damage?" She asks and I quickly pull my hands away before shaking my head.

"No, I'm fine." I nod and walk past her. I don't like what I'm feeling, I need to avoid the feelings. I can't have feelings for her.

nothing lasts forever{wlw, teacherxstudent}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum