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Chapter Twenty-Four: Hooked


I've been a bundle of nerves during this entire dinner with Carmen and Riley. My chicken Alfredo was hardly touched, and the thought of any ounce of food going into my stomach made me nauseous. How am I supposed to eat when I know that for the first time, I'll be going over to another man's house for sex?

I never ran into this issue with Reed. He was embarrassed by his apartment downtown, so he never complained about always coming to my place. When we got engaged, it wasn't even a discussion about who would move in and where. He packed his things and merged into my townhome without a second thought, but now...with Lincoln...

I'm going to his house, and I don't even think he knows how huge of a deal this is for me. I mean, he doesn't exactly know why I'm so closed off about going over to another man's house. Maybe he's pieced my past together, but we're just fooling around, so opening up about that part of my life to him isn't going to happen.

"Sienna," Carmen snaps as I shoot back to reality. She rolls her eyes and shoves my plate closer to me. "You need to eat, girl. You'll need the energy for Lincoln." She wiggles her eyebrows as Riley rolls her eyes.

"I'm not hungry," I reply. "I haven't been to a man's house since..." I heave out a sigh. "I'm so used to being in control of everything, you know? Going to his house is uncharted territory. I won't know every escape route, and if he tries something that I'm not comfortable with, I don't know where the closest weapons will be."

Hearing myself talk makes me realize just how fucked up I am. In my heart, I know Lincoln would never do any of these things. He wouldn't hurt me, but that small part of my past is screaming at me to cancel this hook-up with him. I need to be safe. I need to be careful.

Riley, the sensitive one of the bunch, leans over to grab my hands with hers, blinking away tears. "Lincoln isn't your psychotic ex, Sienna. He isn't going to hurt you. From the few times I've met him, he seems like a genuine guy who cares for you. Don't let fucking Travis hold you back from experiencing good moments."

I suck in a sharp breath when his name is spoken, almost like Voldemort. Speaking his name has me fearful that he'll show up right here in this restaurant, and when Riley notices me glance over my shoulder, she quickly mutters an apology.

"Fuck the man whose name shall not be spoken," Carmen says. "Go get that dick that I know has made you feel better than you have in years. You're fucking glowing, girl, and it's because you're happy. If it makes you feel any better, if Lincoln Nash tries one wrong move, I'll kill him. I'd kill anyone that tries to hurt you again. You hear me?"

"Agreed," Riley adds.

They're both holding my hands now, and I let a single tear fall down my cheek with a grateful smile on my face. Because of them, I'm braver than I've ever been. I don't know where I'd be without them.

"Love you guys," I say with a sniffle, and when they finally release me, I wipe the tear away with the back of my sleeve. "You won't be mad if I leave now? Sitting here thinking about it is only going to make it worse. I'd rather just get it over with."

Carmen rolls her eyes. "Go," she urges. "Besides, I've got a hot date of my own tonight."

I guess things with Archer are going well for her, and that makes me happy, too. She's glowing just as I am, and Riley can't help but let out a loud sigh. "Your love lives make me sick. Please, pass some of that luck my way, won't you?"

Sending her a wink, I say, "I'll find you the best damn girl in this city, Riley. You deserve nothing less."


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