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37|Only You

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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Only You


When I'm greeted by the sun flooding in through the hotel window, I find myself smiling. I'm hot from the heat of the light, from Lincoln's arms tightly hugging my waist, but I didn't have a nightmare. I slept through the entire night. When I first got a good night's sleep with him, I thought it was a coincidence, but now, I think it's his presence that creates a safe place for me to enter a deep slumber.

I hear my phone going off in the kitchen, so I stealthily wiggle out of his grasp and just barely grab it off the counter in time to pick it up. It's a facetime from Riley. "Hello?"

"Oh, shoot, did we wake you?" she asks. "Stupid time zones."

Carmen pops her head into the camera making a tut-tut sound with her tongue. "Well, she's naked, so we might have interrupted something other than sleep."

Glancing down at my bare chest, my cheeks turn a bright red before I bring the camera back up to focus solely on my face. I'm not used to sleeping with another man. I've never slept naked before I met Lincoln. It's going to take some getting used to.

"I wasn't having sex," I mutter.

Carmen raises a brow. "So, you're just naked for the hell of it?"

"I did have sex, but you didn't interr—why am I telling you anything about this? It's none of your business."

"Fine, we'll stop," Carmen says, "but it's nice to see you happy, Sienna. You're fucking glowing."

I head over to the Keurig sitting on top of the counter and press the power button, attempting to hide my smile, but failing. "I could say the same to you, Car. I'm assuming Archer is treating you well?"

She nods and bites her lip. "He's incredible. I mean, he's busy all the time because he's a cop and all. You know, long hours, but we're making time for each other whenever we're free, and that's what counts."

The light flashes green, so I pop a coffee pod in and wait for it to start brewing, letting out a sigh of contentment when the sweet smell of caffeine floods my nostrils. "And Riley? Any updates on your love life?" After Margo's speech on the plane, I'm dying to know, and given the pink tint to Riley's cheeks it's clear she felt a connection there, too.

"Nothing to update...yet," she says softly. "If anything changes you'll be the first to know. We have to get back to the shop, but we just wanted to check in and see how you're doing since you're in Los Angeles and all. I know it must be hard."

My mind drifts to kissing Lincoln underneath the lanterns last night, to our sex that practically brought me to heaven itself, to dinner where he met one of the most important people to me. "Surprisingly, it's been a great trip so far. No complaints."

"How is Lincoln doing? Do you think he's prepared for tomorrow?"

I shrug as I take a sip from the mug of steaming liquid. "That's what I'm going to find out today. The media interviews are scheduled for tomorrow, so I want to make sure he's up to speed on everything. He doesn't have much practice with this, so I don't want him to say the wrong thing."

"Well, let us know how it goes," Carmen says, "and ride his dick some more while you're at it. It's doing wonders for you."

I roll my eyes. "Bye. Love you both."

When I'm finished with my coffee, I head to the bathroom, stopping to gaze at Lincoln's naked body sprawled out on the bed. He's still sleeping, his mouth hanging open with a strand of black hair flopped on his forehead. Thankfully, my shower is quick, and I find a complimentary toothbrush on the sink, rinsing my mouth out and drying my body before I begin searching for something to wear. All I have from last night is my trench coat, and I certainly won't be wearing that, so I dig into Lincoln's suitcase and find a random t-shirt, throwing it over my head.

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