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48|The Real You

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"Two more minutes."

My feet are thudding against the treadmill in agonizing motions, my body protesting with every stride. Sweat is rolling down my back in disgusting waves, my breathing labored, and my heartbeat erratic.

"You've got this, Sienna. Keep going. You're almost there."

I send him a scowl, hating that he's speaking while running with me on the treadmill next to mine. He's not even breaking a sweat. His body runs like a graceful gazelle through a damn meadow while I look like I'm trying to escape a cheetah on my heels.

"One more minute," he says.

"Stop. Talking." I'm inhaling deeply through my nose, becoming even more irritated when he begins to laugh—the nerve of him.

The timer comes to an end, beginning our cool-down period. I grab the bottle of water in the cupholder and chug the damn thing, attempting to ignore how shaky my legs are. My whole body is on fire. I didn't know how out of shape I'd become while hiding in Lincoln's home these past few months.

Wait. No.

Our home.

My chest bubbles up with joy just at the thought. I've moved everything from my townhouse to here, and Lincoln has handled it much better than I thought he would. I was shocked when he suggested he wanted me to move in. He's changed so much since I first met him. The arrogant, cocky bachelor has become...domesticated by me. I still can't wrap my head around it.

"You've improved since we started at the beginning of the week. You couldn't remain at that speed the entire time five days ago, but today you did."

"I'm hating every minute of it," I tell him. "When am I going to start hitting things? I want to take my anger out on something."

He steps off the treadmill onto a blue mat, reaching behind his head to strip himself of his white tank top. I inwardly groan at the sight of the sweat trickling down each defined ab of his. Why does he have to look like that after he works out while I'm here dripping with sweat like a wet dog?

"You can't jump right into boxing. It doesn't work like that. I want to build your endurance up first so you can actually last during one of my sessions."

I arch a brow, dragging my eyes over his chest. "I've lasted during many of your sessions. I think I can handle another one."

He shakes his head, refusing to give in to my flirtation. "This is different. I want you to be able to hold your own, Sienna. I'm taking this training seriously, okay? I'm going to make sure you can kick that fucker in the balls if he ever comes near you again."

The bile rises in my throat just at the mention of him. I've been trying to forget my townhouse getting ransacked last week, but it's hard to forget Travis's note. It's been in my head every day since, and the scariest thing about what Lincoln just said is that it's not a matter of if he comes near me, but when he comes near me because he will. He already knows where I used to live. He's watching me closely, but this is all part of his game. Scaring me is his favorite part.

"You're right," I say as the cool-down ends. I step off the treadmill and join him on the mat. "Sorry. I'll save the flirtation for when we're outside of the gym."

After our hour of cardio, we always stretch, so I plop down on my ass and reach forward to bring my arms out in front of me, attempting to bring my stomach to touch the mat. Lincoln comes up behind me and gently presses against my shoulders to make the stretch more intense.

"I'm not asking you not to flirt, but I want to make sure we focus during these sessions. We need to take them seriously."

"And I agree with you. Has Archer given you any updates on the break-in?"

"No. Last I heard, he was sorting through the camera footage of the city, which can take a few days. I'll check in with him about it again tomorrow at work."

Fuck. I almost don't want to know what the footage will show, but as scared as I am inside, I refuse to let Travis take over my head like he has these past few months. I'm not going to become withdrawn from life again. I can't. I won't do that to Lincoln because I fear I'll lose him if I do. I need to be strong for both of us, and I won't let Travis ruin my life any more than he already has.

I move out of Lincoln's grasp to start my downward dog. It's not a stretch he showed me, but I used to do yoga a few years ago, and since my lower back is bothering me, this is the best option. I am smart enough to ensure my ass isn't facing him. Despite what he thinks, I'm taking these sessions as seriously as he is, but it doesn't mean I can't hate every second of working out. My body isn't as toned as it used to be. It needs time to warm up to this.

Lincoln scoffs. "You're evil."

I glance up at him from the floor, my ass still arched. "For stretching out my lower back? I'm not even facing you, Linc."

"Did you forget there's a mirror?" He points behind me to the wall of them, and I arch my back a little further just to tease him, loving the way his eyes grow darker with lust. "Are you trying to make me fuck you right on that mat?"

I blink innocently up at him and tilt my head to the side. "We can't during our sessions, remember?"

"I said during. We're already finished." He groans when I settle into the frog position, my legs spread wide to stretch my inner thighs. "If I didn't have this stupid fucking meeting..."

"What meeting?" I ask.

He grabs a towel to wipe the sweat off of his forehead. "I have a meeting with a few people interested in investing in Nash Enterprises."

I groan. "With Kendall and her father?" That bitch was all over him at the bar last week, and I have a feeling that her father is only entertaining the idea of investing in his business just so his daughter can have her shot at snagging him. Apparently, seeing him with me at the bar wasn't enough to stop her from shooting her shot.

"My mother is making me go to the meeting. Otherwise, I wouldn't give her the time of day."

Rising to my knees, I take the towel he passes over and wipe my sweat off. "Honestly? I probably wouldn't tell you not to go to the meeting. Business is a complicated mess, Linc, and if you need to tease little Miss Flirt herself to get her father's money, do it. No one ever said business wasn't dirty. Take her for all she's worth if she wants to try and get with a taken man."

He snorts. "Why do I think you're lying? You wouldn't be jealous?"

I stand on my feet and take two steps closer to him until we're chest-to-chest, smiling when his breathing becomes labored. It's funny that he doesn't need a treadmill to make him feel like this—only me.

"At the end of the day..." I drag my hands down his sweaty chest, stopping at the band of his gym shorts. "You're coming home to me. I trust you not to cross a line, Linc. If she needs to hear she's pretty for you to gain a million-dollar deal, I'd be an idiot to tell you to keep your mouth closed." I slip my hand into his shorts, finding his already hard cock. "I have no doubt I'll be the only one in your head tonight."

He shutters a breath at my touch, his hands grasping my cheeks. "Your confidence will always be what I love the most about you, Sienna. You have no idea how much I missed it. Missed you. The real you."

My vision is suddenly blurry through my tears as I whisper, "I've missed me too."

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