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"You look gorgeous

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"You look gorgeous. Just a bit green."

"Then why does it say that, Ruby! If it's not true, why is it in the newspaper for the entire Wizarding World to read if they wish!" Cormac shouted at me while we found privacy from everyone else in his dorm.

Brining us in here was the least he could do after he shouted at me in front of everyone in the common room for a couple of minutes. Harry wouldn't take his eyes or locked jaw off the show Cormac was providing, while 'Mione tried to shoo away the five girls asking Harry what his weekend plans looked like. Meanwhile, I had kept my head down to hide my flushed face and begged Cormac to lower his voice. I was now struggling to find words as I stared at the copy of the Daily Prophet laid out in front of me. Well, I couldn't think of anything except for four words:

Fuck you, Rita Skeeter.

"A young Harry Potter has indeed found love at Hogwarts despite his troublesome days of mourning and stress for the future. His close friend, Collin Creevy, has confirmed for us that Harry is very rarely seen without his most prized accessory. Ruby Evans, daughter of renowned Auror, Daniel Evans, is one of the top students in the school much like Harry. Collin has also confirmed that the two are so closely knit due to Daniel's friendshipcut short too soon with the late Potter's. The two have apparently been a couple for quite a while, and I look forward to finding out more about Harry's soft side from his young lover later this week."

"Cormac, Harry and I have made it clear to everyone that we aren't together anymore! She's making it all up and Collin doesn't know any better than to run his gums!" I begged with him through my cracking voice. I had tears threatening to spill from my eyes out of the embarrassment this entire situation was causing me, but he scoffed in my face and shook his head while his tongue ran over his top teeth.

"The worst part is that little git Potter probably confirmed it for her! You always pick his side over mine! Of course he has reason to set this up! He can't stand me, he can't leave you alone for five fucking second-"

"It's because I'm his best friend, Cormac! That's why we are so close! He is my best friend!" I explained for the hundredth time. "And honestly— he barely even finds time for me anymore outside of class because guess what? I'm not his girlfriend! The only time I am with him we are sitting in a lecture or doing homework around the castle!" I barked at him. I could feel my neck straining as I tried to get my point across. He let out a long breath before he flung his wooden door open and pointed to the exit.

"I'll see you at the twin's party tonight. I just need to get away from you for a little while." He shook his head and gave me a look that guaranteed he wasn't joking around. "Get out, Ruby." He said flatly.

Don't have to ask me twice.


"I just don't see what I had to do with it. It wasn't even my interview! So what if Rita Skeeter says those things? At least I know the truth. So does every one else around here." I drunkenly rambled while I sat between the twins on the couch. The room boomed with music that you could hardly shout over and the colorful lights blurred everyone's faces around us while they strobed.

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