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"The D

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"The D.A. is good, but how about we make it stand for Dumbledore's Army instead? Isn't that the Ministry's worst fear?"

The nap taken in our new secret room before our 7 o'clock quidditch practice that evening had been a lot more needed than I had originally thought. However, my "ladies' days" mood didn't perk up as much as I was hoping it would when I was soaked to the bone before I had even reached the quidditch pitch with Harry and Ron at my sides.

When I had slid across the mud at the bottom of the hill and had nearly landed right on my bum, Harry's hands cupped themselves around my elbows and caught me so I was suspended in the air, only an inch or so above the muddy grass. A smirk spread across his lips as he stood behind me and looked down at my face that was already tilted back against his waist and looking up at him graciously.

"Wow, dropping down in front of me, already? This is a view I could get used to, gorgeous." He winked menacingly. I scoffed from deep in my throat and straightened myself up at once from his vulgar jokes that he never seemed to get enough of. "I'm kidding, Rubes. But what would you do without me, Princess?" He cooed, pinching my cheek between his finger and thumb like I was an infant that needed coddled. His lips were puckered into a kissy face and blowing a number of them at me.

"Apparently, I would have a muddy backside, but I'm sure by annoyance rates would plummet drastically." I raised a sarcastic brow to challenge him. His own look of annoyance crossed his face before he shoved the backsides of my shoulders playfully to force me to walk in front of him again.

"I know these aren't the best weather conditions, but the odds of us playing Slytherin in weather like this are very high." Angelina shouted against the rippling wind that blew the rain in all sorts of directions. It didn't even look like the rain was falling from the sky anymore. My eyes deceived me as I even thought it was raining upwards at one point. "We need to find ways to work with all sorts of conditions if we want to be successful." She said bluntly.

"H, let me see your glasses, love." I pulled them from the bridge of his nose before he could give any consent, his nose crinkling in response to my touch. "Impervius!" I tapped the side of the lens, clearing them of any fog and water like Hermione had once charmed them to do years back.

"Awe," he leaned forward and pecked my forehead lovingly when I slid the glasses back onto his face. "Always taking such good care of me, my thoughtful girl." He said softly with a glamorous smile on his lips, flashing his white teeth at me and showing off the smile lines of his perfect face. My cheeks filled with heat as I looked up at him through my wet lashes and felt my heart pound against my rib cage.

"Alright, on my whistle!" Angelina shouted over the wind that was drowning our voices out. Each of us kicked our feet off the ground and took off on our brooms, pelting against the cold rain that added more adrenaline to the scenario. It was hard enough for me to see a single Quaffle in this weather, and I didn't have any clue how Harry would see the Snitch.

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