Chapter 10 Izuku's Identity Revealed

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We see Izuku with Inko next to Nezu as everyone is waiting to know who Izuku really is 

Inko: Well I guess I should explain since I am his Mother

As she took a few deep breaths as she speaks

Inko: Izuku isn't Human 

Everyone that doesn't know: What 

Inko: Izuku was created in a Lab using the DNA of a Ancient Creature that some Religions call A God or Child of God called Mew

Mirko: So Izuku is 

Inko: A Man Made God, That is why he is Powerful, He was created to be a Weapon a weapon to destroy the enemies that the Head Scientists had 

The people that didn't know were Shocked 

Mirko: Wait how do you know all this 

Inko: I was part of his Creation from the Very Beginning I was there when we got the DNA Source of Mew and help create Izuku 

Mirko: Why 

Inko: I was told this is to bring Life into this world I was Young and Wanted to help make a Big scientific breakthrough and I was part of it but later I found out their plan to use Izuku as a Weapon I wanted to leave and tell the Heroes and Police but the people I worked for could have made me disappear without any trace so I did what I was told until I freed Izuku and we escaped to Japan with Nezu helping us Hide 

This made Everyone shocked to learn this as the Class looked at Izuku who already knew some wanted him gone and some felt sorry for what they said 

Inko: He was experimented on and Was given orders to destroy People or be destroyed himself 

Mina: Then he is a monster 

Kirishima: That is right he is a Freak 

Nezu: I would stay Quiet if I was you, Remember Izuku and Inko are under my Protection and I can ruin your Families Life with just one Phone Call, And if you tell the Media and try to get the Government to take him away well Just know I own the Government's Asses and they will not do shit so please Keep calling my nephew a Monster and a Freak I dare you 

As Nezu looks at the Class with a Death Glare as the ones that want Izuku gone Shut up and didn't say anything again 

Mirko: Wait so How long ago was this 

Inko: 5 Years 

Everyone that didn't Know: HE IS ONLY 5 YEARS OLD HOW THE HELL

Inko: Do to his Power he matures and ages faster then Everyone but he can also Control it to 

Mirko: Wow

Inko: Mirko you seem to be more interested in Izuku then anyone here

Mirko: Doesn't matter anything else 

Izuku: I have killed before 

Some students wanted to say something but Nezu looked at them and they stopped 

Mirko: You killed 

Izuku: Many People the ones I was sent to destroy and the Scientists that Created me I killed them when me and Mom Escape 

As Izuku looked down as Katsumi, Shoka, Momo and Kyoka go to him and hug him 

Mirko: You girls knew Didn't you 

Katsumi: Yes he showed us his Memories 

Momo: He trusted us after we defended him from the other calling him a Freak because of his Power

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