Chapter 39 Final Battle Part 3

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(Hey Guys this the 3rd Last Chapter of MewTwo Izuku meaning only 2 More Chapters Left but anyway better get to the Chapter)

We Start off right where we Left with Izuku now in his Mega MewTwo Y form looking at Shadow MewTwo

Izuku (Y): It is time to even the odds

SM (X): I see so you managed to Change Forms well it still won't change anything I will still kill you and this Plan-

Shadow MewTwo didn't get to Finish because Izuku appeared in front of him and slapped him with his Tail sending Shadow MewTwo into the Water 

Izuku taking this Time teleports in front of the News Helicopters 

Izuku (Y): Leave Now your in the Way

They Didn't argue with a Izuku and took off just as Shadow MewTwo burst out of the Water pissed as Izuku slowly Turns to him and smirks 

Izuku (Y): Enjoyed your Swim 

SM (X): Awww you think your being Cute

Izuku (Y): Bitch I'm adorable

SM (X): What 

Izuku (Y): I don't know it is something Mirko told me say when a Villain says "You think your being Cute" I don't know why but Katsumi said it was like a Wise Crack or Something 

SM (X): Doesn't Matter what it is that os the Only Attack you will land now 

Shadow MewTwo rushes and tries to punch him but Izuku just keeps dodging pissing off Shadow MewTwo even more 

SM (X): How, How can you dodge all my Attacks before I even make them this Mega form I am using is a Mix of my Psychic and Fighting Power 

Izuku teleports away and appears behind Shadow MewTwo who turns and gets Trapped into a Box 

Izuku (Y): Yes that Form gives us a major increase of our physical fighting ability but this Form My Y form makes my Mental and Psychic Abilities far Stronger than even I can Imagine

SM (X): That shouldn't Matter Physical Strength is still Stronger than Mental

Izuku (Y): Well to quote Shoka's Favourite Character Annabeth from…. I believe the Percy Jackson Series when she is Talking to Percy about Ares and Athena, Even Strength needs to Bow down to Wisdom or was that War needs to bow down to Wisdom need to ask Shoka after I kill you 

SM (X): I won't be Dying here you will

Shadow MewTwo once again rushes Izuku after breaking the Box just to keep missing his Punches as Izuku starts to Charge up his Final Attack 

SM (X): You think your a Hero the world will still look at you like a Freak a Monster you will never Truly be Welcomed in this World

Izuku (Y): That may be true but I don't care We Human have are Right to believe what we want to believe, If Others still wish to think of me as a Freak or Monster then they can I will still protect them with my Life because I know it is the Right Thing to do

SM (X): Right Thing to do they will Hate you MewTwo

Izuku (Y): Yes but who hasn't gone far in life without Hating someone, Humans hate and Love, It is all in the way of Life, I love and I hate, I love my Family but I hate Villains like you, Don't you see That Shadow MewTwo 

SM (X): It doesn't Matter you will Still Die 

Shadow MewTwo goes for one last Punch but gets Stopped by a Invisible wall as he tries to Move but finds himself in a Another Box as Izuku closes his Eyes 

Izuku (Y): I am sorry Shadow MewTwo I wish that things were different we could have actually been Brothers but you are to evil meaning that I have to Destroy you to protect this World 

We see Izuku lifting up a White Ball of Energy from his Hand as Shadow MewTwo start to freak out and try to Break the Invisible Box but stops and looks at Izuku 

SM (X): You think you can Kill Me MewTwo, My Body might be Destroyed but My Mind will live on and I will make a return

Izuku (Y): Then I will be waiting Shadow MewTwo

Izuku points the Attack at Shadow MewTwo and sends it his Way engulfing him in a Beam of White Energy as we see his Body starting to evaporate as he screams and curses Izuku 

When the Attack is over Izuku looks at the Spot Shadow MewTwo was as he turns back to his Normal Body and takes a Few Deep Breaths

Izuku: It is over Time to go home

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