Chapter 25 Mew's Talk

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We start off right where we left off with Mew appearing in front of Everyone as Izuku and Eri leaves 

Mew: Hello 

As Everyone just looks at Mew as she flies around 

Mew: Sorry To just Teleport in, I am Mew 

FatGum: Ahhhh Mew as in The Person Izuku was Clone from 

As Mew Stops and flies to be Faced to Face with FatGum 

Mew: Yes Taishiro Toyomitsu 

FatGum: How do you 

As Mew Flies away and Giggles 

Mew: I know all your Names, Taishiro Toyomitsu, Ryuko Tatsuma, Nejire Hado, Kaina Tsutsumi and Tamaki Amajiki

Lady Nagant: You read our Minds like Izuku

As Mew Stops and puts her Finger on of her Lips as she just Floats there 

Mew: Izuku does do that a lot but no I didn't 

As Mew Flies around again as the Other just watch her 

Tamaki: Then How 

Mew: Oh I saw you all with my Power 

As Mew stops behind Tamaki as she does his Hair and Giggles then Flies around again

Ryukyu: What do you mean 

As Mew flies up to Ryukyu and FatGum and grabs their Hands and made them Hold hands 

Mew: You two make such a Cute Couple I just love it and to Answer your Question Ryuko Tatsuma

Ryukyu: Just Call me Ryukyu Please 

As Mew Flies around again 

Mew: Very Well Ryukyu but Anyway I have seen the Future 

Lady Nagant: Like Sir Nighteye

As Mew Stops and looks at Lady Nagant 

Mew: That Fool has not seen The Future he sees what he wants to see, If he truly sees the Future he would Know Izuku is the saviour of this world

Nejire: What do you mean 

As Mew flies up to Nejire and puts her hand on Nejire's check and Smiles 

Mew: You will play a Big Part my Dear Nejire 

Nejire: What do you mean Big Part 

As Mew Flies around again 

Mew: I can see the Future with a Power Called Future Sight, But Lately My Eyes have been Blinded from the Future

Tamaki: W-What how is that Possible 

Mew: Oh My Dear Tamaki, Their is a Man that tried to Play God again

FatGum: What

Mew: The Man that Created My Love Izuku has a Brother that Is Creating another MewTwo

Lady Nagant: What how is that Possible 

Mew: Sadly My Izuku didn't destroy all the Records of his Creation and The Man sent his Brother some of Izuku's DNA 

Ryukyu: So He is Making a MewThree

Mew: More of a Shadow MewTwo, But Yes Ryukyu and because of this My Future Sight has been Split in two, Two different Paths one of Destruction and One of Salvation

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