Chapter 6

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"Are you going to speak?" I asked him.

He stood close to the wall, a wide stance with his arms crossed across his chest. From this close, he looked more bulky than lean and I could smell his intoxicating scent from here.

He felt his gaze burn the whole of my body when he scanned me up from down. "Can you follow me somewhere?" He asked abruptly.

A frown creases my forehead but before I could answer, he moved away from the walk and started making his way away from the takeaway shop. I blinked a few times, before my feet moved on their own accord.

I followed as closely behind him as I could until he slowed down and was right beside me. I turned to look at him and ask what the hell was going on, but he just moved so I was away from the street side, and carried on walking.

The subtle gentlemen traits he possessed where delicious. It warmed my heart and made me want to spread right open for him. He walked until he came to an area with a few benches on.

He dropped down on an empty one, and patted the space next to him. "Am I a dog?" I asked him, crossing my hand across my chest and sending him a death stare. There was being a gentleman and then there was being a rude prick. It seemed like he had zero qualms jumping between the two.

"Just sit Ellie." He sighed.

"I don't have to sit. Tell me what you dragged me all the way from here to?"

He looked up at me, his eyes burning with unspoken promise. "You sit down or I'll sit you down myself. And trust me cherry, when I make you sit it won't be on the bench."

I half fainted at his words but a very strong part of me, armoured with my daytime persona and clothes overpowered any rational thinking. "Talk here."

Nate shot up from his seat so quickly that it took me too late to realise what he was doing. He had his arm around my waist and the other wrapped around my thigh. He manoeuvred me so smoothly that I ended up on the bench, straddling him.

I let out an angry sound and tried to get off him, but his iron grip on my thigh was unmoving. "Let me go." I hissed, pushing my hands into his chest. When that did nothing,  I tried to dig my nails into his chest but all that did was cause pain to shoot up my fingers.

"Ugh!" I puffed out.

"Relax." He said.

"Nate!" I hissed down. "Let me go."

"Oh, we are down to names now?"

I glared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Nate's face was super close to mine. I pulled away since he seemed so calm under this stressful predicament. In fact, humour seemed to be dancing in his eyes but I told myself that I was seeing things. Anything to not make my blood boil even more than it could be right now.

"You've only ever said my name once or twice before."

"That's not true!" I sputtered out.

Nate cocked his head, his eyes taking a more intense look than it ever did before. "Why does it bother you so much to be seen with me in public?" Nate asked, hitting the nail on the head.

"You came all the way from god knows where, to ask me that?" I shot back.

Nate's slender fingers came and pushed a few strands of my hair away form my face. Before letting it go, he twirled a blonde strand around his long fingers. It was such a beautiful contrast against his inked knuckles - almost mesmerising to watch the two come together. "You have nice hair." He commented, his mind elsewhere as they focus on my hair.

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