Chapter 44

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My arms wrapped around him like chains, a grip that was very tight it nearly merged us into one personal the force of my Collin. Early knocked us both down but knew, regardless of whether that happened or not, we would not let go of each other.

"Glad I'm wanted by one person," the sound of his voice in my ears was like the tipping point for me. I let out a sob, small but heavy. I was afraid to fall apart but I knew I could soon enough in his arms.

"Hey, hey, don't cry." His big hands soothed the back of my head, before running itself in my hair. "Save your tears for someone who deserves it."

I lifted my head up to have a look at my best friends face. He looked just as he normally does, beautiful with his olive skin and dark hair. "You do," I whispered to him, letting him hear every truth and emotion behind those words.

Whoever had the luck to meet Shar was in good fortune. We did have our ups and downs but overall, he was a person I had to myself all these years. He was real and he was good to me. He was simply my best friend.

It then crossed my mind that we had an audience behind us. I turned around and saw everyone looking at us but my eyes just zeroed into one person's face. Nate clenched his jaw and his eyes were furious. I could see he was trying to contain himself but for what reason?

Claud grinned at the both of us. "This is all so cute but Ellie, if you don't mind, we have a few words to be had with this man."

Shar slowly put me down to the ground. His hands wrapped around my waist and the slight tug into his side was noticeable. Especially by Nate.

"You can have them with me around." I said

"I don't think that's a good idea. In fact, I think you need to come back inside the house where it is safe." Claud said, with a smile. Which irked me because his words deserved no smile.

"Are you trying to say I'm not safe with Shar?" I asked slowly.

Shar let out a scoff next to me.

"I'm trying to say he knocked on the door undetected by any of our security measures. And he works for your father. So yes, right now, we have to think about safety, love."

Shar's grip on my waist tightened, his protective stance palpable as he declared, "I don't work for her father."

Nate, breaking his silence, asserted firmly, "You sure as heck do."

In response to Nate's accusation, Shar leaned forward, directing his next words with unmistakable intent, "Are you childish like this all the time?"

Nate's response was a humorless chuckle, adding to the tension that hung heavily in the air. "Are you bored from your usual dealings, selling women, and thought to come try your luck with Ellie?"

The mention of selling women left me bewildered, but Shar urged me not to pay heed. "Don't listen to him."

Amidst the growing unease, Emma chimed in with a suggestion, "We should all go inside. It's better than remaining out in the open."

Claud, however, vehemently disagreed. "I don't think being inside is a good idea. Especially not with him."

Shar, his tone growing more confrontational, scoffed once again. "Are you scared of something?"

Nate retorted with suspicion, "Who knows, you might just run back to your boss with some valuable information."

Shar, undeterred, fired back, "Why are you so concerned about that? Perhaps you should be worried about how quickly I found this place."

Nate, not willing to back down, argued, "That's precisely why you can't come in. Not until you explain yourself."

Shar's confidence remained unshaken. "I've worked with security teams far more advanced than yours. And right now, I have two of them with me. They've likely immobilized all your security measures."

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