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"So Adam, how's Kennedy?" Fulton asks me as he sits across from at the lunch table. "She's fine I guess." I shrug as I eat my lunch. "Wait Adam, you and Kennedy?" Connie asks. "No. She's just my lab partners in biology and she sits in front of Fulton and I in algebra." I tell her and the rest of them. "Every time she talks to him in a algebra he blushes and can't help but grin." Fulton tells them. "I won't help you in class!" I tell him. "I won't say anymore." Fulton states. "In biology I've actually seen you smile at her and blush." Guy buts in. "Listen, she's new to the school and she is almost done her first week at, a new school, I'm being nice!" I explain. "For right now!" Russ grins. The other chuckle.


Fulton and I walk to algebra together. I can't wait for the day to be over because we have a Ducks meeting after school. Just the players in the locker room. We only have one goalie this year, Goldberg. This should be fun. We'll miss Julie and her glove. She went back to Maine to play for her school.

"So do you play hockey?" Fulton and I overhear Jack, captain of the variety hockey team, ask Kennedy. Jack is also the one Amanda cheated on me with. "I do!" She tells him. "What position?" "Goalie." Fulton and I look at each other. "Too bad we already have two goalies. I would've enjoyed you on our team!" Jack grins at her and puts hair behind her ear. "That's fine. I'd rather be a duck!" Kennedy grins and glances at us. "You'd rather be one of them?" Jack questions her. "Ya! They've won more games the last few years than varsity and most of them are Goodwill game champions." Kennedy explains to him. "We'll show you how it's done when we play them!" Jack tells her as he stands up. "Probably not!" I state. "What was that Banks?" Jack looks over at me. "You guys won't beat us!" I tell him. "How Amanda?" Jack grins. I stand up and look at him. "Adam, take a seat man! He's not worth it!" Fulton stands beside me and tells me. I glare at Jack before I sit down. Jack chuckles and walks away.

"Jeez! What's his problem?" Kennedy asks and looks back at us. "Adam's girlfriend cheated on him with Jack in the summer. They're dating now." Fulton tells me. I just start doing work in my book. "What a bitch!" She states and faces the front of the room.

"So you play?" Fulton asks. "I do. Is there still an opening on your team?" Kennedy asks. "Ya!" I grin. "Prefect!" She grins back. "Try saving Adam's shots." Fulton tells her. "I think I can!" She chuckles. "I'll go easy on you!" I smile at her.


"Okay Ducks!" Charlie shouts as he walks into the locker room. "Are you all ready to win this season?" Charlie grins. We all cheer and clap. "As you all know, Julie went back to Maine to play on her team, so we have a goalie spot open." Charlie tells us. "About that!" Fulton says and looks over at me. "What is it?" Charlie asks. "Kennedy is a goalie!" I tell him. "New girl?" He asks. I nod at him. "Does she know she can come tryout?" "She asked if there was still an opening and we said there is." Fulton shrugs as he tells him. "Well get her out on that ice Thursday!" Charlie tells me. "Got it!"

We all start to talk about this season and our strategies. We all want to win and to go for gold.


It's finally Thursday and the team steps out onto the ice. I glance over to see the door opening and I see Kennedy step onto the ice. I grin and skate over to her.

"Hey Kennedy!" I grin. "Hi Adam!" I see her grin. "Are you ready?" I ask. "I was born ready!" "Let's see what you got!" I smile and skate away.

"Come on in everyone!" Coach Orion calls us. We skate over to him and so does Kennedy.

"So we have a new player joining us. Kennedy Greer!" Coach introduces her. I see her grinning. "I've seen her play before and her game tapes, she is a great asset to our team!" Coach tells us.

It's our first official practice, so coach is letting us scrimmage most of the time. I'm trying to score against Kennedy, I want to score but I hope she is able to stop me too. I like Goldberg, he's a good guy and friend, but he's an average goalie. Julie was the better goalie and she started most of our games. I hope it's the same way with Kennedy.

Dwayne passes me the puck over the blue line and I'm able to get around Fulton and take a shot on Kennedy. She doesn't even flinch and she is able to make a glove save.

"That was a good save!" I state. "Thanks Adam, that wasn't a bad shot!" She grins and drops the puck. I grin and skate away.

"There's the blushing again!" Fulton comes up to me. "I know." I say as I keep skating.

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