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"Game day!" Charlie comes up to me and grins. "Should be easy!" I state. "Kennedy starting. We get see what she really has!" He tells me. "I'm sure she'll do good!" I tell him. "Oh me too! She does well in practice!" He agrees.

"Adam! Word is going around that you and Kennedy are dating!" Goldberg comes up to me and Charlie tells me. "What?" I look over at him. "Ya!" He says. "Where are people getting that from?" I look at them both. "Well people did see you two walk out of school the other day holding hands." Charlie tells me. "Ya. And Jack is telling everyone that she kissed you on the cheek." Goldberg says. "Well that happened!" I state. "What?" They both say as their eyes widen. "On Wednesday, I ran into Jack and Amanda in the hall. He eventually shoved me against the locker and Kennedy came in, kissed my cheek, held my hand and we walked out of school and went to get lunch." I tell them. "Adam, are you two together?" Charlie asks. "No. I don't even think she likes me back." I state. "You two do talk a lot." Goldberg says. "Um, we may also have kissed." I tell them as I put books in my locker. "What?" They both are shocked again. "Twice." I quickly say. "WHAT?" They say even louder. "She came and helped with homework and it just happened. Then she kissed me back." "Adam if she kissed you back, she probably likes you!" Charlie tells me. "I don't know!" I sigh. "Ask her out after the game tonight!" Goldberg tells me as they walk to class. I shut my locker and walk to class.


We're sitting in the dressing room getting ready for the game. We're all chatting with each other and talking about the other team.

"Banksy! So are you and Kennedy a thing or what?" Portman asks me. "What makes you think that?" I ask. "She kissed your cheek and you two walked out of the school holding hands the other day. "I was in a situation, she helped me out." I explain. "Ya, I was just helping him out!" Kennedy tells him. "Mmmmm okay!" Portman rolls his eyes.

Kennedy and I look over at each other. I see her grin the tiniest bit. So do I.

The team steps onto the ice and and does a few laps around the ice. Kennedy skates to the net and starts stretching before we start taking shots on her.

Some of the team goes up to her and talk to her to see how she's doing and if she's ready.

"Ready?" I go over to her and ask. "Ya!" I see her grin a little through her helmet. "Are you?" She asks me. I see my dad behind the glass standing behind the net. "Ya!" I say and nod. "What's wrong Adam?" She asks me. "My dad came to watch." I tell her as I look back at my dad. "Is that a bad thing?" Kennedy questions. "Want to hangout later?" I look down and ask her. "Sure!" She nods. "Good luck Kennedy!" I grin and skate away.


It's the middle of the second and we are tied 0-0. St. James is better than last years. We are still better but they've improved. I see my dad is still standing in the same spot as earlier.

"We got to keep it out of our end!" Coach tells everyone on the bench. "Greer is saving our butts out there!" He states. I step on the ice for Averman and I skate to our end and skate around the net and grab the puck. I'm able to skate around the players and to get on a breakaway.

Charlie taught me his triple deke a while ago. I try that out. I do 3 quick deke's and the go back hand over the goalies pad. The siren sounds and the light is lit. I see my dad slowly clapping too.

My teammates on the ice come over to me and congratulate me and and give me little hugs. I grin and skate to centre ice.


The game is over and we won 3-0.

"I'll see you after mom!" I hear Kennedy tell her mom. Her moms grins and says something to her before she walks away.

"Hey!" I walk over to her. "Hey!" I grin down at her. "Ready?" I ask her. "Let's go!" I state.

"Adam!" I hear my name called. I turn to see my dad. I'm surprised he's still here. "Hi dad." I say. "You played well and had a great goal!" He tells me. "Thank you." "Are you home tonight?" He asks me. "Ya. Later on." I tell him. "Who's this?" My dad asks and looks behind me. "Dad this is Kennedy!" I introduce him to her. "Kennedy, this is my dad, Philip." I tell her. "It's nice to meet you!" She grins at him. "You as well. It's nice to meet the lady who my son is interested in!" My dad tells her. "Dad!" I state. "I'll see you at home Adam!" He tells me and walks away with my mom.

"Sorry for him." I roll my eyes as I walk with Kennedy out if the building. "It's okay Adam!"she grins up at me. "What would you like to do?" I ask her as we get into my car. "Want to get ice cream?" She asks me. "Let's go!" I grin.

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