Chapter Five

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I wake up to light shining straight into my eyes. My head is pounding and my mouth tastes like garbage. I sit up in the bed I was sleeping on and I realize I have no idea where I am.

The walls are an off-white color with accents of red which match the red comforter I was under. There are few decorations and the room pretty much looks as empty as it could get. I knew it was a guest room..... but whose?

I stand up slowly and feel the pain I've been feeling all week in my lower back. That's weird. I thought. I felt fine after I met.....

Then it really hits me.

Jake. I had met Jake again last night.

I try to remember something else, but all I remember is his face and myself throwing up, a lot.

So this is Tyler's house then I assume. Either that or this Jake guy has kidnapped me.

Thinking of Jake makes my palms sweat. Trying to remember what else I may have said to him last night makes me anxious and my stomach starts to churn again.

What if I said something totally obnoxious? I wonder. What if he think's I'm a nobody and a loser? I mean, he must have realized I was drunk right? Darn it anyways, why am I my worst when I'm drunk?

I'm having a mini panic attack start freaking out more when I realize I've never even had a panic attack before.

Why is this even such a big deal? Why do I care so much?

Suddenly, my stomach decides its done for.

I luckily make it to the bathroom to puke, which I'm guessing was more than my first time, into Tyler's toilet. In my rush, I hadn't bothered to close the door. After I throw up all the poison left in my body, I turn around to see the man of the hour.

He leans forward on his toes posed in the doorway. It was like he wanted to come in, yet he didn't. I wipe off my mouth and awkwardly gulp.

"Hey." I say quietly to break the silence. It's like I was the official who had shot off the gun. As soon as I speak, Jake has taken a stride forward and comes to a stop right in front of me. He lifts his hand and runs it down the side of my face. A trail of tingles lingers behind them and I'm sure I start blushing.

I find it weird how as soon as his hand comes in contact with my skin, all the cramps and pains fade away. Just him standing there with his skin against my own makes me feel whole.

"Good Morning." He tells me quietly and thoughtfully. I blush even deeper. Why was this happening? I was very confused. I had randomly ran into this guy a week ago and now he was standing here holding my face.

I step back and cross my arms over my chest.

"I made breakfast for you." He says, allowing a small smile to form on his face. I step around him and out into the hallway to get some room. He tries to follow me but I stop him.

"Please, just stop. I am so confused right now. So very confused and I just want a minute alone." I walk back to the room I'd come from and shut the door. I then sit on the floor and put my head between my knees.

What the hell is happening? This guy just shows up after I bump into him and now is treating me like I'm his girlfriend or something. I get a faint memory of him back from last night. I recall him walking me to the bathroom, as I walked crooked from my nausea. I remember him staying with me even as I projected vomit into the toilet.

I still here confused. I mean imagine if you met a guy one day, and then the next day he had became your best friend, even though you only knew his name?

I take a breath and stand up, opening my door again. Jake isn't outside, so I walk out and into the direction of where I think the kitchen is.

The kitchen is very modern- something I hadn't noticed last night. I flinch, embarrassed that I'd threw up in here last night.

Tyler is sitting at the table next to a very hung over Leah. I'm not surprised she had spent the night as well. He rubs her back as she drinks coffee. He smiles at me when I enter.

"Hey Jen! There's some coffee on the pot and there are two aspirin on the counter if you'd like some." I nod my head, surprised Tyler even remembered my name. I'd met him before, but always briefly.

I sit next to Leah and give her a small smile. She grimaces back at me and I am thankful that I hadn't drank that much.

"So um, thanks for letting me stay over here last night, Tyler." I say, embarrassed by my drunken state from the night before.

"Oh it's no problem, please help yourself to anything in here for breakfast."

"Actually, I'll probably head back home soon. I'm sure my parents are frustrated I haven't called them yet." I say while slowly getting up.

"No wait." Tyler stands up very quickly and reaches over to grab my arm to stop me. His arm comes in contact with my forearm and it burns on contact. He hisses as I gasp at the fire-like feeling running through my veins.

"What was that?" I ask immediately, roughly pulling my hand out of his grasp. Tyler stands there frozen staring at me with wide eyes. I stomp my foot like the immature little teenager I am and growl. "What the hell has been happening around here? Nothing is making any sense and then-" I am cut of by a loud yell.

"What the hell Tyler! I told you to give her some meds and breakfast, not get a rage from her." Jake stands in the doorframe of the kitchen looking furiously at Tyler. I stomp over to him and cross my arms in front of him.

"Why do you even care?" I press, really on edge. "You act all sweet and caring like it's your job to protect me when it's not. I've been thinking about you all week and feeling really shitty, which I'm starting to think is from you. Then when Tyler touches me I get this weird-" and I am suddenly cut off again.

"YOU PUT YOUR HANDS ON HER?" He tells. He stalks towards Tyler and I immediately put my hands up to stop them from going at each other.

"Come on Jake, give me some answers and get over it." I feel odd at this point, like I was tearing at the seams. Jake seems to notice and he looks over at me in a caring way.

"I'm so sorry Jen, I don't blame you for this, for any of it." I immediately feel better, like I had just relieved all of my stress.

Jake reaches up to touch my cheek and I step back. "We're not done yet. You owe me and explanation. Don't come anywhere near me unless you want to explain." I turn to walk out of the room, but freeze when I hear what Tyler says next.

"This would be so much simpler if she wasn't a human."


Pretty Boring Chapter, leaves you at a cliff-hanger though!

Chapter Notes:

• Tyler now remembers her name even though he hadn't really spoke to her before.

• Jake is still very caring and protective of Jen.

•Leah is so hung over she is not listening to any of these conversations. Lol.

Hope to update as soon as I can! My soccer season sadly ended last Wednesday, so more time has opened up for me.

If you comment how to add cast members I'll mention you on my page!


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