Chapter FortyNine

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Jake opened the passenger side door and gripped my arms to help me out of my seat. When I was standing up he put his arm around my shoulder.

I looked up at my house that I hadn't seen in months. It looked the same, yet so different in how I saw it.

He kept his arms around me, carrying most of my weight to the front door. When we reached it I stopped his hand as he reached for the bell, taking a minute to catch my breath.

I had been taking the last few days at a slow pace, usually only walking to the bathroom and back everyday. I didn't want to look like a mess in front of them.

When I had caught my breath, I reached up and rang the doorbell myself.

I heard yells inside and footsteps approach the other side of the door. A pair of eyes looked at me through the window before the door was thrown open and I was in a pair if arms.

"JEN!!! She's home guys- she's safe!!!" Jeremy yells behind him. "Where have you been?" He asks me when he releases me. Before I answer I am pulled into another pair of arms, these ones belonging to Jace.

"Oh God Jen." He held me tight and I flinched feeling the strain on my shoulder. When Jace let me go Jake swept me back into his arms before Justin, who was walking towards us, hugged me tightly as well.

"It's okay Jake." I whisper as I see my brothers astounded glares. I didn't blame them. A guy had returned me to my house after a good two month all bruised and broken and then refrained them from greeting me. Whether or not he wanted to or not he was about to get there wrath.

"She's hurt." He says to my brother after it's silent for awhile.

"That's what you have to say to us?" Justin spits as he creeps towards us.

"Are mom or dad home?" I ask to no one in particular.

"She has been gone for months and you bring her back in less than perfect condition and tell us that she's hurt." Justin continues, completely ignoring me.

"Maybe we could all sit down." I offer. This time Jeremy speaks up, yet again ignoring my suggestion.

"So you bring her back here after we've been worried sick, after we've lost weeks of sleep while you've been banging her and apparently not taking care of her."

"THATS ENOUGH!" I scream. My brothers look frustrated but I don't care about them. Jake looks insane, his eyes wide and crazed, his body slightly trembling. He blames himself for everything and my brothers accusations, although not one hundred percent correct, still ate him alive with guilt.

"We are going to go into the living room and sit down because I'm tired of standing here." I state. "Then I am going to tell you where I've been and you guys are not going to speak about Jake in any way besides positive for the rest of the visit. Now, where are my parents?"

My voice left no room for arguing and my three brothers immediately turned towards the living room.

"Dad's at work, he just started going back two days ago, since the call he's been a little bit more sane." Justin tells me.

"And mom?" I ask, while sitting on the largest couch, pulling Jake next to me.

"Probably at church or at some charity event. Ever since you've been missing she spends every spare second you have volunteering places or going to events at church." Jeremy says to me and it falls silent as I take it in.

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