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¿Were you comfortable with wetting yourself?

It was a couple of seconds, when the stream was starting to die out, that I realised I was standing in the middle of my bedroom, carelessly holding onto a teddy that I thought I'd already put down, and happily soaking my diaper. Just like a real baby; how could I have been so careless? I put Meth down on the bed again, taking care not to disturb any of the other soft toys, and then made my way into the bathroom to clean myself up. I had to tell Potty Genius what had happened, of course, before I would be allowed to change my diaper. I keyed in that I'd wet my diaper, and that it might have leaked slightly. I hadn't been wearing any underwear over the diaper, thankfully, but there was a thin stream of pee starting to trickle down my leg where my morning pee had been just a little too much for the diaper. I took it off, put it in the bin again, and cleaned myself up with some baby wipes that I found in the medicine cupboard over the sink. Of course, the app wouldn't let me put my panties on after I just had an oopsie, so I had to change into another diaper.

It didn't take long before I was ready to face the day, and I was sure that nobody would even guess what I was wearing under my skirt. I'd decided to put on the new skirt that I'd got from Mazza's last week, as well as the boots that went so perfectly with it, and a green embroidered corset-type top with sequins, which was just sparkly enough to match the rest of what I was wearing.

I didn't wet myself again all morning. I knew that I had a diaper on just in case, and now I knew there was a limit to how long I was allowed to spend in the bathroom, I wasn't going to waste all that time at the beginning of the potty timer's window. I decided that it would make more sense to go to the bathroom in the middle, giving me a better chance of avoiding an accident. I didn't really know how the randomness on the timer worked, whether it was more likely to come in the middle of the time, or if every second during the selected interval was equally likely, but it seemed more rational to think that the middle gave me the best odds. And maybe I was right, because I was only just dismissing the first warning that I had been in the bathroom too long when it told me to pee.

I had done it; I was a big girl this time. And now, with a quarter of an hour to spare, I could change back into big girl panties and go to wait for the bus. I hesitated as I went out, checking that I'd got money in my bag for snacks, and both of my desks. And on impulse, I decided to add a couple of diapers to my bag as well. It was dumb, and I knew that. But it was better to be safe than sorry if tomorrow's challenge couldn't be so easily put off once it had started.

With all that done, and Junior riding in the top of my bag for good luck, I strode out of the front door, ready to face the world.

¿How did the league go?

It was pretty good. I caught up with the people I hadn't seen since last month, and had a couple of games with others from my school. I joined one of the competitive pools, and finished somewhere around the middle of the group, but I was happy with that. One game, I started with an overabundance of water that just kept getting worse through the whole game, and everybody watching was making jokes about summoning an elemental dragon or something; I guess that's a thing from a different game. But then I drew Auspicious Sunrise, and I could force a draw at the last minute. That was a good laugh.

Nothing weird happened that time. But when it came to lunch time, I had a dilemma. The little café at the back of the hall was handing out samples of a new energy drink to all the players, some promotional thing, and everyone was talking about how good it was. I had deliberately only brought a small water bottle today, and had told myself that I could have a small tea with lunch; but it would seem weird if I didn't try this new thing. I told myself I'd just taste it, and then reseal the bottle and put it back in my bag. But once I started drinking the bottle was empty before I knew it. It was really nice, slightly spicy in a way you didn't expect from soda. And of course once I'd drunk a lot more than usual, it wasn't long before I needed to pee.

"Last bathroom break before the preview game," someone announced over the PA system. The preview game was a limited tournament that they often held at the end of the day; they would pass out a random set of cards from an upcoming expansion, so we would each get five different cards. People taking part would have to incorporate at least three of those cards into one of their decks, and then play a series of rapid-fire games to see who was quickest to master the new rules. Because we were supposed to be playing with new cards, there was a very limited opportunity to change cards between games, so those taking part wouldn't be able to leave the playing area for three or four hours.

I hadn't even known that there was going to be a preview game here today; only a limited selection of venues had access to the new cards, and they were never announced in advance, so that the advance cards were like a reward for people who came along to their local League on a regular basis. I thought about it, and knew I had to make a decision. There was no way I would be able to go a couple of hours without using the bathroom; I would have to go first. Even if there was half an hour left before the daily challenge ended, and I didn't have a timer set.

Could I let the chance to get new cards that weren't even out yet pass me by? Or should I do the unthinkable, and risk embarrassing myself in front of all these people? I had a plan, yes, but I hadn't seriously expected to need it. This was one of the most difficult decisions of my life.

¿What did you choose?

I couldn't avoid it. I put my name down on the signup sheet, and saw that there were only eight spaces left below me. If I'd left it any longer, the decision would have been made for me. And then I ran to the bathroom.

When I got there, I pulled out my phone and called up the Potty Genius app. I could hear a lot of movement outside; people in the corridors pushing past each other, because everybody wanted to both use the bathroom and buy snacks for the upcoming marathon of games. That would make it easier to go unnoticed, I guessed. I thought for a second; I could set a potty timer, and then face the penalty when the day ticked over to tomorrow for failing the challenge. But then I risked wetting myself around all those people, depending when the random timer was set for. No, it was better to stay in control of the situation. I put on one of the diapers from my bag, and recorded the fact in the app. Then I flushed the toilet, struggled for a couple of seconds with the battered lock on the cubicle door, and went to get my snacks.

Once I had pockets full of cookies, and another little bottle of water, I headed back to the bathroom. In all the crowds nobody would care, or even notice, that I was going twice in the space of three minutes. I waited until I was at the front of the line again, hopping from one foot to the other as I waited for someone to come out. I called up the app on my phone, and pressed the 'accident' button. I wasn't breaking the rules; I wasn't in the bathroom, and I couldn't hold it any longer. I felt so much better as my bladder relaxed and I could feel the pee streaming out. It still felt kind of gross to wet my diaper in public, but I knew that it was the best option I had.

I kept up my little dance for a few seconds longer, desperately hoping that nobody would notice. And then I was in the bathroom, changing my diaper for a clean one. That was the last one I had with me, so I hoped I wouldn't have to change again before getting home. And even if I knew I wasn't going to have another accident, the app wouldn't allow me to put my panties back on. I would have to wear a diaper for the preview games, and hope that the thickness of the padding wasn't visible under my skirt. I was still nervous, but I told myself that nobody would know.

And then I was ready; I didn't need to worry anymore, and I could just focus on the game.

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