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This bonus chapter is dedicated to Jenny, with thanks for all your support!

¿Did it cure the effects of the app?

I was completely spaced out after the trance. Theo said that it was deeper than any of the ones I'd done before; fractionating for nearly an hour before it gave me the actual suggestions. She'd already done it herself, but hadn't realised just how intense it was. Basically, it asked me several times if there were parts of the hypnosis that I wanted to keep, and parts that I wanted to remove. And then it worked with my subconscious, repeating the suggestions, half-waking me, and then dropping me back into trance even deeper until whatever algorithm it used had achieved the desired effect.

I was free. I noticed that I needed to pee after the trance; the first hint that it had taken more than the couple of minutes that it had felt like to me. And Britney suggested that I don't take my phone or tablet with me, so that I could test my ability to pee without using a potty timer.

It felt weird. But I could pee again. It would probably take a while, but I was actually free of the suggestions. And if I ever had problems, I knew that the app had a new option as well, allowing me to set potty timers for just a second, and disable the whole success chance mechanic, so I could pee whenever I wanted now. Of course, I could still disable these new freedoms through the app's settings menu; or even disable them for a certain period of time. So I could subject myself to the humiliation of needing an app to pee anytime I wanted. I didn't know if I would ever use that, but it was good to know that I had the choice.

And that was probably the weirdest thing. I'd been saying for a month that I was so determined to get to a point where I would never need to use that app again. But through the last week, after I had started to explore the childish side of my personality that I had locked away for so long, I'd started to realise that the app made that part of me easier to access. So I didn't know for sure if I would find a reason to use it again. Just to get me in the right mood.

And I think I finally understood what had been on the minds of the people who had created that app. It wasn't just making you wet yourself as a practical joke or something; it was a way to unlock a side of you that might have been locked away by all kinds of societal pressures, and the expectations of everyone else around you.

So, maybe, I would try using Potty Genius again. Perhaps even try unlocking some more of the badges. Britney gave me some advice as well; where I might be able to find a friend willing to help me explore this. But that was something for the future. Because after that last hypnosis session, almost every minute was spent being more mature and responsible than I had ever been before; making sure that everything was ready for my big move onto campus.

¿Did the move go without a hitch?

Before I moved, there was a whole lot more preparation to do. Last minute paperwork, and last minute packing. But I think I tackled everything the world could throw at me. And then it was mid-morning, and both my parents were home and not working. They were moving suitcases and boxes of stuff into the car, trying to make everything fit. As the day started, I thought they were taking the whole business too seriously. But as the boxes were loaded in one by one, I was surprised to see just how much space they were taking up. At that point, I wasn't completely sure whether I would be able to take everything with me or not.

One of the last tasks was going back to my room and packing personal things. The things that were important to me. I put Junior and Methplease into the suitcase, where I had left a space for them. I waved goodbye to them before closing the lid, even though they were going to be with me in a couple of hours, because I would miss them on the journey. I hesitated then... An idea had come to mind, but I didn't know if it was too silly and too childish. Would Mum tell me to grow up and focus on what still needed doing?

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