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¿Did you keep wearing the diaper badge?

No. I could have kept it on, but I think I already knew that it was going to be too much of a problem. I hadn't had any idea that I should take a wet diaper off, and it was easy to imagine the same attitude causing real embarrassment if this thing made me lose bowel control. I wanted to be able to keep all this a secret. Through that evening, I looked several times at the other badges I could choose from, but none of them were particularly appealing. I didn't know which one I was going to equip, but I was sure that I was going to change to another one as soon as I was able to.

I wasn't acting childish when Dad called me down for dinner. I might have chuckled a little when I found that he'd made a smiley face with the sauce on my dinner, which was just about visible as I sat down. And that brought back memories more than anything else; it was how he'd gotten me to eat if I was being picky when I was a toddler. He'd done it on occasion right up until I started high school, at which point I'd angrily told him that I wasn't a baby and didn't need things like that anymore. Thinking back now, I knew that was unfair. He'd only ever done silly things with dinner when I was feeling a bit down, and the distractions had always had the desired effect even if I was too young to realise it at the time. They weren't just Dad being silly, as I might have assumed. Now, I could remember those times and imagine I was back in that happy stage of life before I was aware of any real problems. And in a way, I found that I kind of missed it.

"Am I a baby again?" I asked, pointing at the picture.

"What's that?" Mum asked, and then came around to look at the plate from my point of view, and gave a little laugh. "Oh, well that's a blast from the past. Didn't you stop doing that, dear?"

"Maybe," Dad answered with a shrug, bringing his own plate to the table after he'd put the pans in the sink to soak. "But looking through those old family albums reminded me of so many things. Things I haven't thought of in years, and I'll miss some of those memories. I thought it would be good to remember the fun parts, before Adrica goes away."

"Yeah," I said with a smile. "All the good memories, things I would never even have thought of. Thank you."

"You'll always be our baby," Mum said. "Even if you're a big girl now. We'll always remember all those things. And you can go back to being our baby whenever you want."

I nodded, and I couldn't say much about that. Did they know I'd been wearing diapers? Did they guess that I'd started thinking more about the things I had done as a child; or had they noticed that I was acting a little more childishly while I'd had that stupid teddy badge equipped? I hated not knowing what they were thinking about me, but I knew that I couldn't ask without letting them know things that I really hoped they hadn't even suspected. Anything I said would make them suspicious, so I just had to keep quiet and assume it was normal for parents to be nostalgic about the time they'd had a small child who was excited about every little thing.

They didn't comment that I was wearing a diaper, and I could seriously tell myself there was no way they could have noticed. After dinner, Dad wanted to watch some kind of stand-up comedy thing, Live From Palmerston!, which didn't sound interesting to me at all; so I excused myself and went up to my room. And only then started thinking about what I was going to do for the rest of the evening.

I might have been able to chat with my friends, but the impending uncertainty of university made everyone just a little bit nervous, and chatting about something that didn't matter seemed somehow weird. Every conversation was slightly awkward, and I wasn't in the mood to talk about nothing while my life was in so much of a crisis.

I found myself back on the same website as before; it was called FanLibrary, and seemed to have a whole bunch of stories set in the same universe as popular TV shows and movies. I started out reading disturbing stories about That Boy, and then it recommended that I might like fics about other dramas that I might have watched. I half-heartedly read a couple of shorter stories, but every time I came across some weird, perverted idea for the characters I was familiar with, I started having ideas of my own; the characters that I'd like to match together from different shows, or situations I'd like to see the characters in because I wasn't quite sure how they would cope. Some of them were kinky, some of them were weird, but they all managed to conjure up vivid scenes or even whole stories in my head.

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