Group Scream

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     "Alright, I have to drop this off." Tim said to his friends as they parted ways. He had borrowed a book from the school library for a report since he couldn't find it in his local library. He walked into the room and was quickly met with an unhappy looking Mrs. Desini.

     "What do you think you're doing Mr. Crater?" She said with a stern voice. His eyes narrowed at her tone and didn't like that she looked like she was about to scold him.

     "What do you mean?" He asked back in a cold tone.

     "Just in time!" Gatlin appeared out of nowhere. "I stayed right here. Just like you told me to." The sound of his voice told Tim that he should play along. "How did team building go?"

     He looked at Gatlin, then back at the teacher. "It went fine. All ready to start football practice next week. Gotta be ready to take down the opposing team. Can't do that if we don't work together. I just was on my way to get Gatlin now that we're done." Against his better judgement, Tim awkwardly reached out and played with Gatlin's hair. He was quite shocked to feel how soft it was. Gatlin slightly winced under his hand. But quicky regained himself.

     "Hmmm..." She eyed the two then sighed. "All right. I'll let it pass this time. But make sure you're taking care of your little. You can't just leave him whenever you don't want him around or think it might be too dangerous. I'll see you in class. And make sure you talk to the coach about this. I'm sure they have something in place for daddies with littles." She walked out and the boys both sighed.

     "What the hell was that?" Tim had grabbed Gat's shirt by the collar and slightly dragged him to an empty corner of the library. "Why were you even talking to her?"

     "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! She suddenly came up on me. I was just trying to get my homework done before they sent me back to the orphan..." Gat suddenly covered his own mouth. "Before I had to go back home." He quickly added.

     The damage was already done. Tim had heard the word orphan. His heart slightly sank and he let go of Gat. His face didn't show any signs of being different though. He was still mad.

     "What do you mean orphan? Are you an orphan?" Tim asked.

     Gat backed up and shook his head. When his back hit a corner, he dropped and brought his knees up to his chest. He didn't mean to say that. He didn't want any of this to happen. He was terrified of what Tim would do to him now.

     Thankfully, before anything else could happen, the bell rang. Tim sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. Something he'd picked up from his father when he got stressed. His brother was a nose pincher, like their mother had been.

     "Come on. We better make it on time." Tim lifted Gat to his feet and pulled him along by his shirt sleeve.

     The two made it into the tacky room just as the last bell rang. Gat was out of breath as he was dragged the whole way. Tim wasn't gentle at all.

     When they got inside, everyone was spread around and sitting in comfy chairs or relaxing on the beds. They were doing just as the class was called... snuggles and cuddles. The class was made to encourage the caregivers and littles to grow closer.

     Gat and Tim gave the same sickening look at the same time. Neither of them had any intention of snuggling the other.

     "Can... can I just read instead?" Gat asked as they stood in the middle of the room, not really knowing what to do.

     Tim looked down at the nervous little and shook his head in agreement. He was actually kinda glad Gat didn't want to cuddle. He would have walked right out of there, not even caring if he failed the class.

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