Plushies and Screaming

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     It was getting late, and they had built quite a mountain of items in their area. They had filled two carts as well. They were down to just the last few items now. Furniture and accessories for the nursery and a few items on Gat's list.

     Gat had picked out the clothing he needed, including the dreaded bodysuits. But then Tim had unexpectedly made him pick out an additional four outfits. Something about not wanting to look irresponsible by getting the bare minimum. He appreciated that Tim let him pick out all his own clothes. He'd die if he had to wear a shirt or body suit that said something embarrassing on it. Which there was no lack of in that store. He was just glad there were solid-colored clothes available to choose from.

     While he was picking out his outfits, he had also decided to get two pairs of shoes and some socks. He was excited that he could find shoes that were small enough to actually fit his feet. Unfortunately for him, they didn't sell undergarments to littles in his age-range. He wanted so badly to just have a normal pair of boxers! He just simply sighed and moved on.

     For his 'age-appropriate' toys, he'd gotten a box of two hundred crayons and a few coloring books. He glanced through the other aisles, but there was nothing else he really wanted. Tim looked at the items in his cart and scoffed. He grabbed a few toys at random off the shelves and threw them into Gat's cart.

     "Like I said, we're not coming back here any time soon. I don't want to have to come back just because you get bored." They moved on and made their way towards the plushies.

     On their way there, Gat looked down the other toy aisles and saw a few other things he thought weren't to bad to have, unfortunately... they would show up on his recipe that he had to turn into the teach and he might have gotten in trouble for getting them. He just sighed and walked along behind Tim.

     Gat had stopped dead and looked at all the plushies. There was hundreds of animals, food, drink, and various other shapes. He didn't know what to pick, but he had to pick at least three. He didn't want to be there forever trying to find the least childish ones. He really didn't want one at all. The last plushie he'd had come from his mother. It was a blue teddy bear with bright green eyes and green pawprints on its feet.

     "If you don't pick soon. I'm just gonna grab a handful." Tim was done. He was tired and he still had homework from his real classes to do.

     Gat quickly turned back to the plushies when he saw it. Sitting on the second shelf, tucked in between a bunch of strange looking food plushies, was the exact same bear that his mom had gotten him several years ago. The only difference was that this one had a green bowtie.

     Slowly he reached for it and held it in his hands. A wave of emotions hit him hard. He hadn't thought about his mother in a while. He tried not to think about her too often. They had only lost her two years ago, but sometimes he felt like he was going to see her just walk right in the door and start scolding dad for some little thing he did to try and make her laugh.

     Everything suddenly hit Gat hard. The house was gone. His father was gone. His mother was gone. The life he knew before would never come back. He had to live with this person he didn't even know.

     Gatlin was holding onto a blue and green plushie and just staring at it. He looked like he was going to cry. 'Great. Just what I need, a break down in the middle of the store.' Just as Tim had finished thinking that, in the next row over they could hear a little start to scream. They both looked up and, unknown to each other, had the exact same thought, 'I hate littles. They are so loud.'

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