Submissive 101

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     After lunch was over, Tim walked Gat to his next class. This one was closer to the main part of the school. Gat walked through the door and was relieved to see that it was just a normal room. He was the first from his classification there. After he got into the room, Tim left for his own class.

     Gat sat quietly at a desk in about the middle. As he sat there, he watched the room slowly fill. There were a few other kids that he recognized as Pets and some he didn't know. The thing that caught his attention was that Mr. Cake was at the front of the classroom. He must be teaching this class too.

     Gat thought about that... there wasn't really that many teachers specifically for his classification. Most of his teachers were for both the Littles and the Pets. He guessed it saved the school money by using the same teachers for multiple classes. They must have other teachers for the Pets and Servants though. And what about the General Subs? Did they get to go to normal classes, or did they have different classes too?

     Once the room was filled, Mr. Cake shut the door and turned to the classroom.

     "I need everyone to pay close attention in this class. So, if you can, I need you to come out of headspace." Mr. Cake said softly.

     Gat looked around and saw that the only ones that might have even been in their headspaces were the Littles, but their eyes weren't glazed over. They actually seemed to be mad that they had to stop acting. A few groaned and others rolled their eyes and sat back in their seats.

     "Just because you're a Little, doesn't mean you're exempt from learning these things!" He said a bit harsher when he saw no one was in headspace. "Now, welcome everyone to Submissive 101. This is for all sub classed Submissives. So, we won't be joined by any of the General Subs. They have their own set of classes on this topic." Mr. Cake leaned back on his desk and looked at the kids in his class. "I have a few rules that EVERYONE must follow." That got everyone's attention.

     'He must be a Caregiver.' Gat thought. 'He never did say what his classification was. But he is sure giving off some major Dom vibes right now.'

     "Rule one: I don't want any cliques in this class. That means I don't want you hanging out with JUST your classified group... that includes sitting together." He picked up a name roster and looked it over. He called out a few names and had them move to new seats. A few students grumbled as they reluctantly got up and moved away from their friends.

     "Rule Two: No Complaining!" Mr. Cake's voice left no room for challenge. Everyone went silent and quickly got into their new seats. "When you are told to do something by your Dom, you will be expected to do it without question." Once everyone was seated, he continued. "There are a few exceptions to that. Anyone know the exceptions?" He looked out at everyone, but no one seemed brave enough to answer. He was about to continue when he saw a hand up in the middle. "Gatlin. What is the exception?"

     Gat gulped and hoped he was right, "If what they tell you to do will harm you in anyway."

     "That is absolutely correct. Most Subs assume that they have all their rights taken away as soon as they are paired or claimed by a Dom. That is NEVER the case. No Dom or other person has the right to treat you like anything less than a human."

     Gat gave a small smile. He liked Mr. Cake.

     The rest of the class was just an introduction to what it meant to be a Sub, how the pairing works outside of school, and what we were going to expect in future classes.

     Before anyone knew it, the class was over.

     "Your Dom's should be here soon to collect you. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and your weekend." Mr. Cake sat down for the first time and looked like he was grading papers.

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