Chapter 2: Falling for a Mikaelson... Again!

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Stefan's POV
Did I hear her correctly? Did she just say her name is Freya MIKAELSON? I state "You're related to Klaus." I see her raise her eyebrows in confusion. She asks just as shocked as me "You know Niklaus?"

I answer "Yeah! He ruined my life." She scoffs "Figures! It's all he knows how to do to people." I ask "Wait, how are you a Mikaelson? I've never met you before. I know all his siblings and I honestly would have remembered you."

Freya blushes and says "Yeah, well it's interesting being interested in a vampire." I widen my eyes at her in shock. She giggles and says "Yeah, I know about you. I sensed it when I touched your hand."

I look down a little disappointed because I thought it was because she felt something between us like I did. I try to hide my disappointment "Oh." But I know by the look she's giving me that I failed miserably.

Freya smiles at me "And I also felt something else, but it had nothing to do with anything supernatural." She smiles at me in a flirty way. I smile back at her then frown a little in confusion.

I realize How did she sense I was a vampire? I ask "Wait! How did you sense me being a vampire?" And she says "Because I'm a witch." I gape and widen my eyes at her. I ask "How?"

She answers "Well, it's a long story and-" she gets cut off by the Ferris wheel instructor when he says "Alright lovebirds, time to get off. Hope you enjoyed the ride." We look at each other and chuckle at him thinking we're a couple.

We walk away, as Jay comes over to us and says "Hey, you guys. How was the ride?" He says that winking at me. Freya giggles and I state "She knows!" He asks, shocked "She knows what?"

She says before I can "That Stefan's a vampire." He looks shocked and asks looking at me "How?" I answer "Because she's a witch. The ones I told you about."

He says "Ohhh, that's so awesome! Here you two are, the two most awesome supernatural beings there are, while I'm just a mere mortal." I say "Hey, you mister are far from mere." I walk over to him and wrap my arm around his neck, bro hugging him.

Freya giggles and says to Jason "We haven't properly met, I'm Freya Mikaelson." He shakes her hand, then lets her hand go when he hears her last name.

Jay asks "Mikaelson? As in the relative of the man who ruined your life?" I pat his shoulder "Yep, that him." I see him begin to be a little worried and I calm him "Don't worry Jay, this one's cool."

Freya smiles at me and I smile back. Jay says "Well, it's nice to meet you, Freya. I'm Jason Monroe, Stefan's best friend/brother." She says "Nice to meet you, Jason."

I state "Okay, we should get going. The carnival will start to close soon. Maybe when we get back to our home, you can explain to us how I've never met you before, please?"

She smiles and says "Okay, come on. We will go to my house." Jay and I share a look then go to our car and get in and go to our house.

When he parks into our driveway, we head over to Freya's house. We see she's already inside. She lets Jay go inside. I ask "Forgetting someone?" Freya teases "No, I remember you. Just you remember no biting." She winks at me.

I smile at her and say "I promise, no biting." Freya smirks at me and turns around, walking into her living room "Come on in, vampire boy."

I smile at her and blush. I see Jay give me a thumbs up and I roll my eyes at him and mouth "Knock it off!" He chuckles a little.

I hit his arm playfully and he hits me back. We keep hitting each other and then stop and laugh it off. We go sit down on her couch and we stop laughing. We look at Freya and she looks very amused. She's sitting on the armchair next to us.

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