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After a few hours of getting dressed, Caitlyn added the final touches to your beautiful hair with her straightener.

After Mason decided to go home to change into his costume, you walked with Caitlyn to her house because you didn't want to be alone. What's even better is that Caitlyn owned the best makeup and hair equipment that left you looking stunning.

"Wow, Y/n! You look so hot," Caitlyn gasped as she circled you, her takkies screeching on the floor.

You blushed and then let your eyes fall down her body. For Halloween, she decided to dress up as a zombie, so there were torn pantyhose, holes in her long-sleeved shirt, and gashes in her mini skirt.

"Thank you, Cait. You look amazing as well!" You complimented as you saw her pick up her red lipstick, and apply them to her thick lips before she dragged it down her chin, giving it a smudged effect.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Thanks, boo. Although I did dress up as the same thing last year so I'm feeling weird."

"Weird?" you repeated.

You couldn't understand why people were bothered about other people's opinions all of the time. It frustrated you, so you walked towards her and shook your head. "Don't worry about other people, you look amazing and you do it better every year, even if it's the same costume," you try to cheer her up and it did work.

Her lips bent downwards into a sad smile before she threw both her hands around you, hugging you tightly around the waist.

"Hate to break this moment, but we can't go after the party," you heard someone say so you both jerked and looked at the door, chills instantly running down your spike.

"Cool costume, Mason. But take out the damn mask, for now, you know that-" Caitlyn started, exasperated.

"Yeah yeah. You both are worried about me, I get it, but it's Halloween and I have to get over this stupid fear before it cripples me," you explained.

Of course, you didn't want to ruin the fun for both your friends, but deep down you wished that this night was over soon.

Little did you know that this night was far from over.


The music was blaring, the drinks were coming and the dance floor was flooded with all sorts of scary masks and costumes.
This night was the best, you thought as you danced and laughed alongside your friends.

"Hey! Look at Chrissy!" Caitlyn shouted over the music.

You stopped and turned, your eyes trying to search for her but you couldn't see her anywhere.


She pointed in a corner. "Right there!"

You followed her finger and when you did, there, in a corner was Chrissy, her tongue being swallowed by Nick while she straddled him.

"Ew. Wasn't she like dating that science teacher?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Not just the teacher, I think she had a little thing going for her father's best friend who was married."

You both stared at her before she pinned you two with what seemed to be a death stare.

Damn, that stare couldn't even scare a mouse, what say for you?

Turning around, you both burst out into laughter.

"What the hell!"

Mason came and wrapped his arm around your neck with a strong alcohol smell, that you could get through his mask.

"Mason, I think that's enough drink for a five-year-old," you joked.

"Five-year-old? I'm one year bigger than you. And, if you didn't notice, your school crush is staring straight at you."

You pinched your eyebrows together in confusion, but your eyes immediately fell on him.


You had a crush on him for like four years. I mean, who wouldn't? He had long, thick hair that fell on his face, broad shoulders, and lean muscles. He had the cutest smile and damn, he could dress. Now, he was dressed as a hot skeleton. The painting on his face and the biker, leather jacket that he wore made you squeeze your thighs together. And now, he was staring at you, giving you that cute devilish smile.

You were immediately ripped out of your thoughts as your phone rang. Oh shit, it was your mother.

"Dammit! Caitlyn, I'm going outside to take the call. I don't want my mother to hear the music," you said sadly.

"It's okay, I'll come with you," Mason suggested and you would be a fool to reject, so both of you went outside.

"Hey, mom," you answered energetically.

"Hey honey, how's your night going? Did I leave enough candy for the kids?"

Your eyes widened. "Yeah, mom. There's so much more for the rest of the kids!"

Mason nudged you when you said candy, like a kid crying for birthday cake.

"Aw. Well, when I come back, the candy better be gone. Come on, don't give them only one lollipop."

You shut your eyes shut. "Mom, I'm giving them a whole handful of candy, don't worry."

You just couldn't wrap your head around the whole candy crap. That candy needed to disappear or else your mother would've found out about you lying.

Who knew candy would get you in trouble?

"Well, mom. I'm missing out on my movie. So, can I go back and watch?"

"Oh sure. As long as you're having fun! Bye honey."

You said bye and cut the call. Facing Mason, you faked crying.

"Why can't you just throw the candy away?"

You shook your head. "Mom bought a whole big bag of it like I can't even carry it with both hands."

"That much, huh?"

You nodded but just then an arrow of thought shot straight into your mind. "Let's go home! Just for a few minutes, so we can give the whole bag to one of the kids, and there, problem solved!"

"Why can't we just eat all?" he suggested but you raised an eyebrow and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever, let's do this. Your house is just around the corner, right?"

You nodded and both of you strolled down the wild street, as kids laughed about and passed you, scary Halloween decorations adorned yards and houses and cars drove by, going to their own parties.

Until you turned into a secluded road.

"Hey, sugar!" you stopped and closed your eyes in frustration.

That was Nick.

THE INEVITABLE MICHAEL MYERS (Michael Myers X reader) Where stories live. Discover now