Chapter 19 - The trip

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Here I am, back at the hospital. I've been here more in the last couple of weeks than before in my entire life. They sent me home immediately after cleaning my cuts and wrapping them in bandages.

Matt was next to me the whole time. He talked with the doctor and told him what happened and when I chocked on my own words he filled in parts of the story.

The drive was nice, smooth, as we kept talking for the whole way to his house. He only asked how I feel regarding the incident, but otherwise let go of the topic and we mostly talked about basketball. His face was lit up with childlike joy, even though he mainly listened to me complaining about judges decisions and fouls they never noticed.

He pulls up in their driveway and gets out of the car to open the door for me.

"Thank you." I say with a small smile.

His eyes are so captivating when he looks at me, and they drift a bit lower on my lips. I bite them in embarrassment, like I always do when I'm nervous. A sparkle lites up in the green of his irises.

My phone rings with the Drops of Jupiter ringtone. I know it's Ness before I even have to look on the screen, because I have this song on only when she calls. 

"Hey." I answer the phone with Matt still looking at me.

"Hey, I'm so sorry, but you know that trip to our cabin that we've been talking about?"


"Well, I think Matt is kind of coming."

"What?!" I exclaim, totally forgetting about the boy in question is standing in front of me.

"I told you, Nessa..."

"I know, I know, but Dan is going to come and he asked if Matt will go there too and I said that you are coming so I don't know if this is a smart idea, but he looked so bummed and I told him Matt could go."

Nessa's mom talked to my mom yesterday and they decided we are going on a trip to their sky cabin, as soon as my mom is released from the hospital, which will be in a day or two. Since we've been hanging out a lot lately and their cabin is huge, Nessa wanted to invite Dan but I guess him and Matt are like butt and pants — inseparable.


"I have to go now, but we can still have a good time. No, scratch that, we are going to have a good time."

"I hope so." I say with a little laugh.

I think about telling her what happened, it would be the right thing to do. She is my friend and would know how to help me like she always does. But I say nothing, because I don't want to burden her, I don't want to talk about it yet, I don't want to think of that man again and mostly because I can't get the words out.

She hangs up and I turn around, coming face to face with Matt. He must've moved closer while I was talking to Nessa, because his fingers are now caressing my neck and his breath my nose.

"W-What...What are you doing?" I stammer.

My eyes turn down on his lips — those full lips that I was allowed to kiss once. Matt doesn't stand back or stop his fingers from sending shivers down my spine with their movement. He smiles, when noticing how nervous he makes me.

"You know, your laugh is one of the best sounds I've ever heard. Definitely one of my favourites."

He leans his forehead on mine and I can't help but close my eyes.

"What are your other favourite sounds?"

Who asks a question like this?!?! What are your favourite sounds? God, how can he still like me with all my awkwardness?

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