Chapter 2

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Flynn shoved herself through her front door with an annoyed grunt, puffing her bangs out of her face. Her irritation soon melted into bewilderment as she stepped into the living room, finding four teenagers piled on the couch with a bag of chips between them.

"Hey Flynn," Demetri stuck his palm out in greeting. "Sorry we're in your home."

"Wait, I thought we were invited?" Miguel questioned, anxious eyes darting to the tall brunet.

The Wilder girl dragged out a sigh, letting her backpack crumble to the floor. "How the hell am I late to my own hangout?"

"Well, you said five and you weren't home yet," Dakota explained, shoving another handful of chips into her mouth. "So I used the emergency key."

The brunette swiftly kicked her backpack at the wall before stumbling to the couch and fishing for the chips as well. "Remind me to hide that key in a new place next time."

"Are you kidding?" The shorter girl chuckled. "Hiding them under your mother's banana duck sculptures was genius."

"Those are my banana duck sculptures," Flynn corrected in a serious note. She shuffled further down the spine of the couch, catching a glimpse of her little brother's head before she engulfed it by slinging an arm around his neck. "Hey, stupid," she murmured.

"Flynn," Jaden whined, the twelve year old ducking out of her loose grip. "I can't see!" He was locked in a very close race of Mario Kart with Eli. The Moskowitz's unblinking gaze remained pinned on his Toad maneuvering Moo Moo Meadows.

"Oh, wee wee wah wah," she mocked him, fingers ruffling his curly head. "You're gonna beat him anyway. Sorry, Eli."

The dirty blond only responded with a frustrated moan, shaky hands mashing controller buttons.

"So, how was managing the volleyball team?" Dakota asked as Flynn perched on the back of the couch, swinging her legs over and resting them on the empty space besides Miguel.

"Ugh, kind of boring," she admitted, jerking her shoes off. "And annoyingly long. I got only an hour at the rink before I had to come home and hang out with you dipshits."

"Always a pleasure, Flynn," Demetri replied, flinching as the plastic bag he nursed was pried from his grasp.

"Stop eating all my Swedish Fish," the brunette chastised, pouring a few bright red fish into her mouth before jutting the bag out to Miguel. "Want some?"

"Thanks," the Diaz's smile crinkled his cheeks as he accepted a handful.

"What the hell, Flynn?" Demetri complained.

"New kid privileges," Flynn explained with a mouthful, jabbing her thumb at a grateful Miguel. "And, unlike you, he has a pair of balls. Only people brave enough to try to make a move shall have the Swedish Fish," she declared.

"Yeah, because that worked out very well, huh?"

"Aww, bitter alert!" Flynn spat at him another raspberry, flinging her legs back to the floor. "I'm gonna get a Big Blue. Anybody want one?"

"Ugh, no. You have to stop drinking those bottles of pure sugar," Dakota scolded with a roll of her eyes, despite knowing her efforts were pointless. "Coach keeps getting onto your ass about that."

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