Chapter 8

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The Cobra Kai dojo had become awash with bustling kids and their chatter, all of them eager to learn. Flynn walked inside with a smile that grew wider at the sight, relishing in the adrenaline pumping through her. She only ever felt this way about one other sport. The same sport she was undergoing Olympic training for.

"You kids ready to suit up?" Flynn maneuvered towards a skittish Demetri and Eli. She hadn't acquired a proper gi yet, but she had at least come in athletic clothes. "Gonna kick ass in some jeans?"

Demetri's eyes rocketed to the ceiling, turning to the sandy-haired boy with a groan. "Ugh, why'd I let you talk me into this? This goes against every thing I stand for! It's like an extra gym class for no reason. And look at this one," he gestured to the brunette, earning a quizzical brow from her. "She's clearly enjoying it, so we must be doing something wrong here." 

"Let's just give it a chance," Eli pleaded, yet he remained timid in the new environment. "You saw the fight. Miguel kicked ass."

"Yeah, and wouldn't it be nice to not have to ask me, a girl, to beat up all your bullies for you?" Flynn fired back with a grin.

"I haven't done that since the seventh grade! And even if I did ask again, you're all about empowering women anyway. You'd gladly do it!"

The Wilder shot him another raised eyebrow before shuffling away, moving towards the only two experienced students in the room.

"How many of these guys do you think are gonna last?" She questioned Aisha and Miguel, her gaze sliding to Johnny. "He's gonna tear these guys to shreds."

"At least half of them, probably," Aisha admitted, with no comment from Miguel.

"Quiet!" Johnny's deafening command shackled silence throughout the room. Everyone stood a little straighter. "Face front."

The older blond man prowled about the room, beginning to list off lethal comments to his selected victims.

"Nice shirt," he grumbled to Demetri first, the tall brunet sporting a pi symbol tee snugged under a blue flannel.

The Alexopoulos brightened at that. "Thanks."

"I'm joking, it sucks." His snap sent the boy's chin falling towards the floor. Miguel and Flynn exchanged winces, unprepared to hear the man's insults.

"Word of advice. If you got shit for teeth, don't smile." Ouch. "God, makes me feel like a virgin just looking at you." The boy is probably not even thirteen.

"When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers, I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out."

"Man," Flynn muttered as Miguel shut his eyes. She knew the guy had an unconventional way of teaching, but a lot of this felt just plain cruel.

"But, in my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles," Johnny continued, making a pointed glance over at Aisha and Miguel. "So, maybe there's some hope for you yet. But first, I need to see where you're at. So, everybody. Fall in!"

The room didn't move at first, everyone exchanging glances and whispers of confusion. "That means line up," Johnny clarified, patience visibly thin.

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