Chapter 4

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"What the hell happened to your face?"

Jaden blinked at her over his bowl of Cheerios, milk coating his bottom lip. "And don't say you hit your head on the shower wall again. That lie was stupid."

Flynn sighed through a laugh, reaching for her favorite coffee mug from the cabinet. "Would it be more believable if I said I hit my head trying to get into the car?"

The younger boy snorted. "Have you actually done that?"

She rounded past him, ruffling his head as she went. "Yes, actually. Sometimes I underestimate my height, okay?"

"For a trained iceskater, you're not very coordinated, you know."

"Ouch," she snickered, savoring the warm musk of coffee as it filled her cup. "Got me there."

Jaden's face sobered. "Seriously though. Who'd you beat up this time?"

Flynn pursed her lips, brushing her morning curls past her ears. "Um, I actually got beat up myself a little bit."

His eyes doubled. "Wha—"

"But you don't have to worry about it, bud. Seriously. I'm okay."

His brows furrowed. "But you literally have a giant bruise on your face."

"Let me take care of it, okay?" Her face melted into a smirk. "After all, you know I'm very capable."

He lowered face towards his bowl, letting out a small huff of amusement. "Yeah, that's true."

Her grin deepened.

She wasn't sure what would set off her anger today, but Flynn didn't expect it to be Sam LaRusso's lips pressed against Kyler's. The brunette gripped her bag strap until her knuckles turned white, waiting for the obnoxious boy to leave before she marched over.

"Just a heads up, girl to girl," Flynn snapped. "You shouldn't be dating that asshole."

Sam blinked at her in a mix of befuddlement and shock. "Um, it's Flynn, right?"

"Him and his goons did this to me," the brunette growled, jabbing a thumb towards her bruised brow bone. "And this," she muttered in a quieter tone, discreetly lifting the seam of her shirt to reveal a huge bruise on her skin. "So like I said, you shouldn't date him."

The girl's blue eyes widened. "Wha—No way Kyler did that to you. He would never," Sam shook her head, mouth agape as she observed the horrible marks coloring the girl's lower half.

"Of course you won't believe me. He probably puts up a nice guy act, huh? Makes you think he cries at chick flicks? That he wants to give you presents instead of have you give him—"

"Enough!" Sam exclaimed, her teeth gritting together in an overwhelmed expression.

"If you need proof, just listen to what he says and does when he doesn't know you're around."

"Are you suggesting I spy on my boyfriend?"

Flynn sighed through her nostrils, taking a long blink to relieve some of her stress. "I'm doing you a favor, LaRusso. Just take it," she grumbled before shoving past her. Only to stumble into another unhappy person.

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