Chapter 16

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I woke up pretty late in the morning the next day. Carter wasn't next to me but I could hear laughter downstairs. I put on my house coat and slippers and went downstairs. He was fixing the girl's breakfast and cutting their pancakes up for them.

GoodMorning! I smiled hugging the girls. They both embraced me with huge hugs. "GoodMorning!" I said to Carter but he had a blank facial expression on his face.

Morning! He said dryly.

What's wrong? I asked leaning against the counter. He wouldn't even look at me.

Nun! I'm bouta go for a run in a minute. They breakfast is made when they done have them get in the shower and dress so by the time I get back they can be ready to go.

Okay.....uhh can we talk?

Eat y'all food so I can take y'all shopping! He said before kissing I'lan's and Harm's forehead. He left the kitchen and I followed him upstairs to the room. I closed the door behind me and he went into the bathroom to undress and change.

What's the problem? I asked folding my arms standing in the doorway.

It ain't one....

About last night...

What about it you need time to think right?

Yeah but I don't want you being mad at me either.

I am not mad!

It seems like it and you turned your back on me last night and didn't even touch me...

I was tired!

Before or after you got in the shower?

Before! And After!

Look I haven't been in a relationship in so long. I don't even know what it's like to have a man at my age. I never had this before. All I know is me and my daughter. But I do know I really, really, really like you and I never in my life thought I'd be risking everything that I built for a man! I'm scared that if we get Into a relationship everything and I mean everything between us will change. Please don't be mad at me! I begged wrapping my arms around his waist looking up at him.

Why do you think that?

Because relationships complicates things once you put a title on something life becomes different.

Look I don't play games Asia and if that's what you wanna do cool go do that with somebody else. Ima
Grown ass man I don't got time for that Shìt.

I'm not playing games Carter, I like what we are doing now I thought we was taking it slow.

Nothing we have been doing is taking it slow.! I'm risking a lot by just being with you as well you don't think? If we need to take a break let me know what's up until you figure Shìt out. I'll be back! He grabbed his phone and AirPods and left out the door. He ran down the driveway and into the woods outside. I sighed sitting on the bed. This was not what I wanted to happen.

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