Chapter 28

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Hey what's up! I smiled answering my ringing phone.

Nun much, look I know it's kinda last minute but it's this business dinner my job is hosting this weekend. I was wondering if you aren't busy if you'd like to accompany me. You know as friends type shit.

Uhhh I don't know my son is kinda sick.... How about I let you know on Thursday?

That's cool. Lil dude need anything? I can grab some baby Tylenol or something. That shit always worked for my son.

No, but thank you! I appreciate it. Plus we have some here somewhere.

Ight well let me know if you do need anything.

Thank you! How's the project coming along?

I'm bout ready to say fuck them and this project. Everytime I submit a new floor plan it's something about it they don't like. These muthafuckas is picky.

I'm sure they'll like something eventually. They wouldn't of offered you the job if they didn't like your plans and ideas.

Yeah that's what I keep telling myself.

It's true. I've seen your work you got some real talent. I'm almost ready to buy some land. And when I do I need you to design my house. I laughed.

I'd be honored to. Long as you let me have complete control. You can give a couple ideas of what you would like but leave it to the professional.

Okay Mr. Professional! You got it. (A knock at the back door made me look at my google to see who it was.) (Daddy! I'lan screamed happily opening it. "I gotta go I'll call you later on!"

Okay for sure, don't forget coffee tomorrow at Starbucks.

I won't I actually have it in my calendar.

Good. Talk to you later than! He laughed before hanging up.

Who's TY? Carter asked as I sat my phone down and the call ended.

Nobody...why are you looking at my phone. I locked it and put it in my back pocket.

Yeah ight, whoever the fuck homeboy is don't get him fucked up. We married!

Yeah with a pending divorce soon as you sign the papers. I'd hate to have to take you to court over this. Sign so we can be done. You doing yo own thing right?

I'm not though.....we can't work this shit out?

Work what out? Carter I told you what it was and how I felt you the one who disrespected my boundaries....

Y'all getting a divorce? Harmony asked coming into the kitchen.

Y'all said y'all would never! I'lan yelled right next to her.

I hate you both! Harmony yelled crying.

You promised you guys wouldn't and we'd be an actual family. How could y'all? I'lan yelled crying behind Harmony as they ran up the backstairs.

Fuck! I mumbled under my breath. I ran up the back stairs and they both was in Harmonys room with the door locked. I could hear the cries from them both. My heart broke as they sobbed. I wasn't even talking that loud.

Hey girls, can y'all open up? Can we talk?

GO AWAY!!! Harmonys teary voice yelled.

Baby please just open the door and let's talk.

No you promised! Y'all are suppose to be partners to be lovers and....and y'all are not taking my sister away from me! We finally have a home. A mom, a dad, I finally felt love, it's a bunch of bullshit!

Harm I know your mad and upset right now but watch your mouth! No one is going anywhere.

Girls open the door! Carter said from behind me. I stepped out the way as he juggled the handle.

WE HATE YOU! I'lan yelled.

Look open this door right now!

Go away!

I huffed my breath and went back downstairs as I heard my baby crying. I picked him up to change him and nurse him. I felt like a bad mom right now. I broke my daughters hearts.


What's wrong? You got something on yo mind? Nina asked as I layed next to her.


Boy yes you do, no offense that was the wackiest sex you could of ever gave me and you just skimped me so what's up?

Just shit on my mind!

Wanna talk bout?

Nah not really family shit....

Wifey missing you at night? You can go home for a while. You know I ran into her at Target a few weeks ago she is georg!!!

Nah it's not's cool I'm good.

What is it than? Cause you not yourself....not sure if you ever was honestly.

My phone started ringing on the nightstand and I didn't feel like answering it. The more I ignored it, it seem like it just kept fuckin going. I picked it up to answer it and it was 5 missed calls from Asia.

Yo? I asked picking up answering.

I....I....I can't find them! Asia cried breaking down crying.

What? Who?

The girls Harmony and I'lan are gone I don't know where they are! I went to go check on them before I gave CJ a bath for the night. The door was cracked and they wasn't in there. I checked the entire house. Carter they are gone! She cried.

Ight I'm on my way! I'm on my way. I hung up and jumped out the bed. I struggled to put my clothes on as my heart raced.

Everything okay? Nina asked sitting up.

I grabbed my keys and rushed out the house. I was flying to Asias house. When I got there it was a bunch of cop cars there and all her friends. She was in complete tears.

Asia what happened?! Where are they? I yelled pushing people away trying to get to her.

I don't know! She yelled back.

These are the most recent pictures you have of them? A cop asked coming out the house.

Yes, they just took these a few weeks ago at school. She answered.

Where the fuck is my fuckin daughter?! I yelled pushing a cop off me.

Sir calm down or we'll have to restrain you.

Restrain me Nigga fuck you my daughter missing and you talkin bout arresting me. Get y'all ass out here and look for her.

It's not just your fuckin daughter, her daughter is missing too! Their both y'all daughters. Chante yelled pissed.

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