Chapter 82

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I forgot I had to do something with the girls today after work. They wanted to have lunch, drinks, and Chante needed our help with picking out a dress she had in mind for her date with Hendrix. I'm so happy for her. She really likes him and is over her bum ass baby daddy!

I packed all my stuff up and met Chante at the elevator. I caught a ride with her cause I did not feel like driving today. She was cheesing so hard.

What you so happy about? I asked annoyed as we got off.

Nun! I'm just excited I get to see my girls, we finally having a girl day! It's just well needed.

I definitely agree to that! But we gotta make it quick I'm tired!

You always tired.

Yeah well sue me.

I think I will! She laughed as we got into her car.

She pulled up to this dress shop that held all the best designers. D and Donnie was outside waiting for us. I hugged my sisters as we got out the car. We made our way in cause it was cold outside. We was met by so many beautiful gowns and dresses. I was in complete awe!

Hi I'm Ashley I will be your consultant today follow me! This lady smiled coming over to us. "So who's the lucky lady or what are we shopping for today?" She asked bringing us over to a section.

Well I called earlier....

Ohhhh right, right, right okay we do have some picks already. Can i offer you ladies any champagne while you wait?

Yes! D and Donnie blurted out.

She brought four glasses over and i declined mine. They all looked at me crazy. I haven't told them i was pregnant yet so this was it. I lifted my sweater up and turned to the side rubbing my belly. They all got hyped hugging me smiling so hard congratulating me.

Thank you y'all! I laughed sitting down.

Wanna come with me? She smiled at Chante.

I'll be right back! I said getting up this beautiful dress caught my eye. It was a beautiful off the shoulder white princess dress with. Tint of baby blue in it. It was laced and covered in diamonds and pearls. The back tied together going up into a perfect V to match the V neck line. It was so beautiful.

You should try it in! A consultant smiled as he came from behind the dress.

You think so?

Honey you was all the way over there and this dress caught your eyes, yes I do! He smile. He took the dress off the hook and grabbed my hand leading me to the back. He took me to a dressing room and I got out of my clothes and he helped me into the dress. If there was ever a time that I felt like a princess it would be now.

Your beautiful! He smiled, he placed a tiara with a vail on my head. "You have to show your friends!" He insisted. I wiped my tears. I never thought I'd be the one to try on a wedding dress. I followed him out the dressing room and I walk down the run way. Everybody in the room became silent. Even the random people that sat in different sections. Every head turned.

Wow! D said with her jaw dropped.

You look absolutely beautiful! Donnie said fanning her eyes not to cry.

Now that, that right there! Chante couldn't even get her words out. "You look beautiful!"

Y'all really think so? I asked laughing wiping my tears.

Absolutely, Carter is a lucky man! D smiled. I turned around to look at myself and I never felt so beautiful than I ever had before right now. I looked amazing in this dress. I knew this dress was for me.

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