Chapter 25 - Under the Night Sky...

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Quick Recap on: A New Age of Warfare

The night brought the Quan Dynasty a rude wake-up call, in the middle of the dark, the fort guarding the border between the Quan Dynasty and the Grizalan Kingdom was suddenly attacked by the Allies, said Allies consisting of Aurorans and defected Quans.

While the defenders fought to the bitter end with all of their strength, they couldn't compete with the Auroran's technological might and the unexpected third party from the defectors. Thus resulting in the complete defeat and capture of the fort in one fell swoop.

With the capture of Fort Padwell, the Aurorans launched airdrops into their designated locations chosen by General James himself with the help of his subordinates as well as extra help from the defected Quans.

Now, for their second target...

Town Illagron...


Talking: "Hello how are you? I'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "I'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


Location: Town Illragon

Date: December 17, 904

Time: 3:51 AM

3rd P.O.V.

The moon lingers covered as clouds cover the sky, giving off weak rays of light down below, a signal that it was time to sleep and gather energy for the next day. Perfect and peaceful time to have fun with other people, drinking in pubs or going for a walk under the calm night sky.

But that wasn't the case for the people of the Quan Dynasty.

Word have started to spread across Quan lands, recent news of the invasion force that was tasked with subjugating the Grizalan Kingdom have been repulsed and defeated. This has caused widespread panic among the populace of the Dynasty, the public is now terrified of a counter-invasion, scared that the Grizalans after days, weeks of constant bloodshed now wants vengence.

No more sounds of cheer and laughs were coming outside of their homes, no more expecting the army to bring easy victory to their nation, instead, fear and anguish will now be their new normal.

While others mourn for their friends and husbands, knowing that they will not come back as they were either dead or captured. They prepare themselves for the worst, most notably a possible invasion from the Grizalan Army.

Garrisons laying across the Dynasty's land have already been put on high alert as soon as they heard news of the invading force being defeated and are now expecting a counter-invasion from the Grizalans. The Emperor and IHQ reacted by mobilizing all of their armies to stop the invasion while the armed forces consolidated more men to conduct counter-attacks against the expected invading force.

As soon as they heard of the horrific news, some thought that the Grizalans lost a lot of manpower just trying to defeat their invading force, meaning they have more time to prepare their defenses and draft more men into the army to counter the invading force, if the Grizalans choose to invade.

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