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I woke up feeling something warped around me.

I opened my eyes to find Alan with his arms around me, he was asleep, snoring.

A thin sheet over both of us which I'm sure wasn't there before, not in the room.

That wasn't what woke me up, it was the heavy feeling in my stomach, I needed to use bathroom.

Just then I saw Damien sitting on the chair playing on his phone, the curtains were closed and it was still day outside.

I looked at Damien, he still didn't realise that I woke up, and wasn't gonna let him know soon.

I closed my eyes trying to make the feeling go away.

The thought of him putting a diaper on me and changing it again made my eyes tear alone, I unconsciously sniffed feeling Damien's at me

"You up?" I heard him ask, I opened my eyes looking at him, I couldn't escape this now.

I slowly nodded looking at Alan as I was litrally prying him off me.

"Well, I'll carry him upstairs I doubt he'll wake up anytime soon, he was up all night" Damien said standing up.

I quickly signed bathroom tears forming in my eyes already, but it was inevitable and the sooner I tell him the sooner it's over.

"Oh, about that actually" Damien said giving me a weak smile before rushing to the bathroom and coming back with a weird cup bottle thing.

"This.. uh... you use it like a bathroom, since you can't stand up" he said placing it on my lap.

I looked at the semi transparent object then back at him.

I had a mixed feeling about this, anger, I wanted to throw this weird thing at Damien along with Alan cause he is snoring too loudly.

But all I could feel is sadness, my legs were working just fine before I came here or well tried to escape, is this their new way of humiliating me?

"How about we make a deal?" I heard Damien say as I quickly wiped the tears I just noticed are falling.

"I'll carry you to the bathroom, but you have to promise you won't put any pressure on your feet and won't tell anyone about this, Alan is a heavy sleeper so he won't be a problem, what do you say?" He asked.

I imidiatly started nodding, even though the second part was weird but I liked the idea as long as no one is going to humiliate me.

"Alright, if you feel dizzy or pain anywhere snap your fingers or just make any sound" he said as he carefully picked me up in bridal style.

I did feel dizzy but it wasn't the first time to get the feeling, I slightly was getting used to this beside Damien was extra careful.

He sat me down on a plastic chair infront of the toilet and gave me the weird cup again, I wasn't sure what I'm supposed to do with it.

"5 minutes should be enough right?" He asked I slowly nodded as he left the room and shut the door.

The bathroom is big but there wasn't much inside, I already looked here alot.

Just a sink with mirror above, a toothbrush and toothpaste inside a cup on top and a hand wash, soap.

A tub with hair and body wash products that I probably smell like right now.

There is a tiny window right above the toilet, it can fit me but there are bars secured behind it.

It was normal but better than the one we had at home atleast it had a heater, not that we didn't have one but ours broke alot since the 5 of us would be using it.

Dad would fix it himself but he's usually at work or asleep so mom would fix it but she isn't good at fixing stuff like dad so it would end up breaking within e 24 hours.

I was already done and just waiting for Damien to get me out of here.

It was weird that he trusted me like this, I know I can't move the leg that Oliver numbed but still I could move the other.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door "Andy, you done? I'm opening the door" he warned me, which was actually nice considering he didn't before he broke my leg.

He lifted me up again, I didn't want to return back so quickly, I was actually glad with the change of scenery.

I quickly pointed to the sink then my hand.

"Oh right you need to wash your hands" he said helping me over to the sink, my feet didn't touch the ground, I took my time washing my hands, the warm water felt nice.

"Sorry it's just the last time I used a toilet was a few years back, I'm forgetting a few things" he said hias his face turned emotionless all of a sudden.

He closed the sink I turned to look at him, he just sent me a cold glare I could have sworn he wasn't the same person who was talking earlier.

He returned me to the bed without saying a single word or looking me.

He picked Alan on his back then picked his laptop and teddy bear and headed out.

What a weird guy.

So there's Oliver and Damien I met at first, Oliver is a human and Damien is a cyborg.

I'm guessing he's water proof since the second day I was here I spit water all over him, it wasn't fun for both of us and I doubt he used rice.

Then there's that guy with golden teeth, Lucas I think, who wated to cut my arms off, I didn't see him again.

Then Alan, he is weird, especially how he talks to a toy, but he can be put to a good use considering he is so friendly and wants to be my friend so bad.

There's that guy Eliot, I think he's the only one I can trust and the sane one around along with Ethan.

There is also Ethan, the one who told me what's going on, I'm actually glad he did, maybe I can trust him too.

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