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"Lucas, I was about to call you downstairs, take a seat, let's talk about that later" Ethan replied.

"No Ethan, it's important, the time-"

"Lucas, I don't think it's a good time to talk about this, just sit down and discuss it later" Ethan said looking at me then back to him.

"We have to, whatever happened in our timeline is taking-"

"I'm sure it can wait"

"No it can't! There might be problems happening as we speak, the sooner we do something about this the better chance we can!"

Ethan let out an annoyed sigh.

"I said. Sit. Down. Lucas"

Now I was grateful for not throwing the stuffed bear away, the tension in the room was so much I unconsciously squeezed the stuffed animal in my hands.

Lucas just grumbled like a little child not getting what he wants as he took the empty seat next to Oliver.

We all sat in silence, Ethan pinching the bridge of his nose clearly trying to calm down, Lucas still grumbling, Damien had the usual emotionless face on, Oliver just spinning his spoon in the empty plate and Alan scrolling through his phone, they didn't react much like this happens all the time.

They said we were close friends but so far they only acted like they hate each other, I think its good they don't eat together that much.

"It smells amazing! So what's for today Damien?" Eliot said breaking the silence.

"Food?" Damien answered with a confused look.

"Haha that's funny! I mean what food you dummy" Eliot said.

"Oh well, I made some soup since Andy will be eating with us, I also made chicken, vegetables and some side stuff so add whatever you like" he replied standing up and taking Ethan's bowl and scooping some food for him, doing the same for everyone and after he was done he sat down again.

Everyone started digging in, I just stared at the plate.

Surprisingly Damien was eating and drinking soup even though he's a robot, Oliver and Ethan were eating like normal people, Alan was still on his phone and Lucas still grumbling.

"Here" Eliot said taking a spoon and putting it in front of my face, I slowly held the spoon carefully not spilling its contents.

Luckily he didn't insist on feeding me, but the weird thing was this food tasted like my mom's cooking.

I took another spoon to make sure but it indeed tasted like mom's cooking.

I know this shouldn't be a big deal but there is no way anyone can duplicate mom's cooking.

Apparently it's a seasoning made by mom's ancestors that mother's teach their daughters about so it was never wrote on paper, it's not really a secret but still how did Damien know about this?

"Do you like it?" Damien asked, everyone was looking at me now, Alan seemed done with whatever he was doing on his phone now.

I nodded and their entire mood changed, everyone smiling at me, Damien looking down before I could see his face.

Why the hell are they this glad?

"Just that you threw up the last time you tasted it-" "Damien! What did we say about recalling those terrible memories?" Eliot shouted glaring at Damien then looking at me in worry.

Damien just shrugged going back to his food.

Well its not like I got over it but I see Damien's face everyday and I can't just keep crying forever, I have to start thinking and acting if I wanna get back to my family.

Everyone was done now, and thankfully nobody pushed me to finish eating.

Ethan outside making a phone call in the garden which apparently they had a really nice one.

Oliver and Damien in the kitchen removing the leftovers from dinner.

Eliot and Lucas upstairs in their room, I still need to know what Lucas wanted to say earlier.

Me and Alan sitting on the couch playing uno, Alan got a plastic chair to place my feet on cause Oliver said my feet should be elevated.

The house sure is big, bigger than any house I've seen in my life.

The entire house seemed to be modern and new, its full of furniture, I could see the garden outside clearly and honestly it's unexpected.

I thought I'd be in some abandoned werehouse but it turns out it's a very pretty house in the middle of the forest.

"How did u finish this fast you had the entire all the cards a moment ago" Alan said smiling, I knew he was letting me win on purpose but I don't really care to know why.

I just shrugged dropping a card, now I only had one in hand.

"You gotta say 'last card' or you'll have to draw extra cards" Alan wispered so I gave him a glare.

"Oh- right- my bad, my bad" he panicked a bit dropping his card it had the same colour of the card I was carrying so I won.

"You won Andy!" Alan shouted clapping I just kept the straight face, my leg started to hurt, it wasn't bad but it was annoying.

"Uh- so how about a tour around!?" He asked exitedly.

Wait do he could have told me that if I just asked?

"I'll go ask Oliver, I'll be right back" he said running to the kitchen.

Maybe he is that naive that he won't suspect a thing if I ask questions later?

"He said the ground floor is okay as long as we're careful, also we need Damien if we wanna get you upstairs" he said pushing the wheelchair closer and I just stared

He seem to think a bit before warping his arms around my chest, lifting me up and placing me on the chair, he could've warned me first.

"Alan be gentle with him!" I heard Oliver shout "yeah I know!" Alan shouted back.

Why are they talking about me like this? The heck am I some sort of infant animal for them?

"Hold up gotta grab something from your room first" he said running back to the room I first woke up in.

But instead of entering the room like a normal human being, he slamed himself into the door, like literally.

I heard him mutter something before opening the door and going in.

Did he just forget to open the door before entering?

Another thing I just noticed is the chart next to the door saying:

'Andy's room'

-Please knock-
-Please lower your voice-
-No sharp objects-

+Please keep in mind that:
-He can't talk.
-He can't walk or move normally.
-He bites, kicks and throws objects.

The fuck?

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