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I heard a knock on the door, is Damien back that fast?

"Heyyy I saw Damien walking out so I thought you'd be lonely" it was the guy Lucas the bastard who wanted to hurt me, or threatened to, actually I was already having a panic attack from.the the crowded room, but still he's mean.

"Sorry about triggering you last time, I didn't know that would set you off" he said sitting on the chair next to the bed.

"I guess Damien and Oliver already told you but I'm Lucas, the first friend you made in this gang and in school, remember me?" he asked with a large hopeful smile.

I just shot him a glare, but again I don't want to get on his bad side so I shook my head no.

"What? We both failed together, you failed History and English, and I failed Math and Science, and we promised to teah each other what we're good at" he said his smile faded once I shook my head again.

Did they really get the wrong guy? I don't remember anyone else failing in class beside me, and it was big brother who tutored me in the end.

"Oh... you sure? You're not joking are you?" He asked sounding worried which was visible on his face when I nodded.

"I- I think I made a mistake- no there's gotta be something wrong" and with that he stormed out of the room.

Did they really make a mistake?

If so what would happen to me, judging by how Damien didn't hesitate to break my legs and how Oliver didn't care about taking my ability to speak, something like killing me or not bothering and burying me alive won't be a problem for them, I can't even scream for help or run away.

The thought of this was enough to make my eyes water, but Eliot won't allow them right?

He understands that all this is messed up and wrong, he might convince them to let me go.

But thinking about what Damien and Oliver told me that they made sure it's me.

Well for now I think I'm still on Lucas good side, and I can consider Alan as an ally but I'm sure he doesn't just want my friendship for all what he's going to give, that or he's too naive.

I can trust Eliot, and Ethan seems to be reasonable so far.

The only problem is Oliver and Damien, they did show me some mercy I'll give them that but they hurt me, and I don't know if they're planning to do more.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, Eliot entered the room making me beam with happiness but it was cut short once Oliver entered the room after him.

He was holding the stuff he's gonna use on a metallic tray then placed it on the table like he always does.

"Hi Andy how are you doing?" Eliot spoke easing Oliver's presence for me, I replied with a small smile.

"So any pain?" He asked, I shook my head no, whatever he did that other day was magic, it didn't hurt even when I moved.

"That's good" he replied removing the medical tape on my cheek and cleaning my face with a wet wipes roughly like always then stuck another tape to it.

Then he took the leg brace and the bandages off, it my first time seeing my leg, it was horrific, I could clearly see the black thread going in and out of my skin with some dried blood around not mention the dark purple shade and the red stains.

I wasn't surprised to be honest, I expected worse it was a bear trap after all, I'm glad my foot is still there.

"Oh- god" Eliot muttered covering his mouth imidiatly as if he's going to throw up as he turned away.

"S- sorry I'm not that stronge when it comes to blood I- I'll be right outside if anything happens" he said running outside.

He definitely doesn't belong to those psychos, someone like him definitely got dragged into all this, maybe if I convince him we can both get out of here.

"Fucking bastard" I heard Oliver mutter under his breath, it was weird.

I know that the entire guy is weird but ever since the others came he's been acting more differently.

He doesn't have that smile anymore, not that I mind but it was strange, isn't he supposed to be happy now that his best friends are now here.

"All done, it's healing pretty well, you can also sit and move without getting tired now, so I think I'll be able to remove your tube out soon as long as you eat on your own" Oliver said straping my leg back in the brace.

He picked a weird bag and hung it on the pole next to the bed, then collected the stuff he used then headed out.

"Finally" Eliot sighed entering the room again, and sitting down beside me as I yawned trying to fight sleep off.

"Right, Oliver said you'll be very sleepy often" he said I just nodded, it was scary how often I sleep, but I was too tired to care about the entire situation.

"We can talk later, you can rest for a bit" I weakly nodded again as I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.


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I was thinking of writing the characters' backgrounds in a few chapters or another book to give u a better understanding of the story and I'm starting to get bored since the action and adventure are yet to come.

So which should I start with? Oliver, Damien, Lucas or Alan.

And should I create a new story or just add the chapters here in current one?

Also u can ask any questions in comments or dms, I'll make a Q&A chapter if the questions are enough, you can ask the characters themselves or just ask me (I might not answer spoilers).

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