Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Two agonizing days passed. Days I spent in the big bed, in the big room, in the big house, in the big city.

I wasn't allowed to go out, but I didn't want to go anywhere anyway.

Dominic acted cold and indifferent, as before, but he was not violent. At first, I couldn't understand why he even wanted me back. It was clear he didn't love me. He never really loved me.

As I reflected on my relationship with Dominic, I realized that the signs had been in front of me all these years. Even before we got married, he'd always taken me to the finest restaurants. He used to give me expensive jewelry. It all seemed like a fairy tale. However, he'd never looked me in the eye; he'd never touched me gently; he'd never allowed me to speak in front of important people. He'd just wanted me to be a beautiful ornament at his side.

Then I interpreted things differently.

There had been no lack of compliments about how beautiful I was. And, of course, I had been flattered. This is my beautiful girlfriend... This is my beautiful fiancée... I am proud to have the most beautiful woman in the world for my wife... Meet my lovely wife...

The words 'have' and 'mine' had come up frequently.

Dominic had enjoyed having a sense of ownership over me. He was used to having whatever he wanted, and he would never let anyone take away his property. Even if he didn't need all his properties, even if he didn't really want them, they were his. He had bought them... He had bought me.

If only I had read the signs back then, I could have saved myself so much pain.

Why did I analyze Dominic's behavior?

Because it was too painful to think about Jayden.

The opening of the door interrupted my thoughts. "Enough lounging around, Sav," Dominic announced. "The decoration company will be coming at noon. I want you to watch over that they do their job properly. The catering will arrive at 6 p.m. Your dress for tonight is in the closet. The guests will arrive at 7 p.m. I want you down at 7:30 p.m. And don't forget to wear your ring!"

He did not wait for an answer from me before he left.

I got up and opened my jewelry box. I took the ring out and put it on my finger. It had lost its meaning a long time ago. But every time I looked at it, I felt so guilty for the sacrifice my father made for me.

With great reluctance, I began doing what I was ordered.

A dozen decorators arrived at noon and set about preparing the living room. They placed white tablecloths on the tables and dressed the chairs in white covers with gold ribbons. Large candlesticks with beautiful ornaments were arranged on the tables. Flower arrangements were scattered throughout the room.

In the afternoon, the hairdresser and makeup artist arrived.

"I missed that hair," Valentino exclaimed as he got to work. "You look somewhat different, Mrs. Lewis."

I pursed my lips. "Do your job, please. Let's finish with it quickly."

"Okay," Valentino replied. "Mr. Lewis requested that your hair be styled in a bun."

"Whatever the lord wants," I said sarcastically.

Valentino styled my hair and made way for the makeup artist.

She started doing my makeup without asking me anything. It was clear that Dominic had given her instructions as well.

Meanwhile, there was a knock at the door.

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