Chapter 9: No Controversy

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"Well, thank God there's no media in here," I say in a semi-joking tone as the five of us pack into an elevator at the hospital, accompanied by a doctor.

This is a place where people are too focused on the immediate, the crucial, the tragic, to recognize us, and the hospital's diligent about keeping reporters away.

The familiar and omnipresent smell of antiseptic soap permeates everything. It's a smell that reminds me of being a teen and visiting Hans in the hospital when he was small. Hospital scents have always made me feel anxious and uneasy. My stomach tightens as those old fears surface, but then I remember that everything's okay for the moment. That Hans is safe, Adrian is getting the best care, and that Lily is next to me.

Where she belongs.

Being a Formula World driver is an exercise in Zen. It's all about living in the moment. That's a simple philosophy on the track, far harder in real life.

Lily's eyes meet mine and she shoots me a little smile, one I can't interpret. She seems to have changed a lot since we were together seven years ago. For some reason, she's more guarded, quieter, pensive. Or perhaps that's just because she's worried about Adrian. It's difficult to tell, and the mystery of it all gnaws at me.

I used to know exactly what she was thinking, how she was feeling. I've never experienced that with any other woman, and now that I can't with her, it's frustrating. A little disappointing, too.

We troop down the hall in silence, toward Adrian's room. The doctor opens the door.

"Mr. Onassis, you have some visitors," he says.

"Papa!" Lily cries. "You look so much better today. Your color's almost back."

She goes to his bedside and kisses his cheek. Her father chuckles, but instead of his usual robust laugh, it's a weary sound. It's a sound that speaks of pain, and the new-found knowledge that he's mortal — something I'm not sure the gregarious Adrian ever considered before this week. I stand back, with my bodyguards, and watch as Lily and Mrs. Onassis fawn over Adrian. Lily strokes her father's brow, and Mrs. Onassis brings him a cup of water.

"Dad, look who wanted to come see you. I hope that's okay." Lily rubs her father's arm and glances to me.

Adrian's eyes crinkle at the corners as he shifts in my direction. To the side of his bed, monitors beep softly.

"Hi, sir." I smile at him and move toward Lily. She stands to allow me to move closer, and in the process, she squeezes my upper arm. I get a jolt of adrenaline from her touch and sit at the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

Adrian nods and smiles. "A little rough around the edges, but I'm going to be just fine. My wife's here and she's going to whip me into shape."

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