Chapter 20: Kiss Me Again

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The second Max speeds past the checkered flag, everyone in the control room erupts in cheers

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The second Max speeds past the checkered flag, everyone in the control room erupts in cheers. Jack high fives me — someone must've told him about my aversion to hugs — and I do a little dance. Apparently, word got around that I don't like physical displays of affection, because when it comes to me, the guys give me little pats on the back or shoulder squeezes.

Even that would normally make my skin crawl, but for some reason, the win makes everything around me positively sparkle. I'd forgotten this feeling, of being part of a team that wins. Of the sheer rush of anticipation and exhilaration when a driver crosses that finish line.

I don't, however, go into the pit to greet Max when he brings the car to the garage. Even though I'm elated, I don't want to risk any public displays of affection with him. Not after sleeping next to him for two nights and especially not after our scorching kiss this morning.

I don't think either one of us can be trusted at this moment to not lock lips, and that's exactly the kind of thing I don't want the world to see during my first race. So I stay in the garage, congratulating every member of the team who wanders through.

"Fucking amazing job, Lily," Jack says to me, his hands on his hips.

"It was all your doing. I had nothing to do with any of this. You're incredible. The team's incredible. Your tire strategy was brilliant."

He grins. "It was, wasn't it? Well, anyway, perhaps you're our good luck charm."

"I'll gladly take that role."

Tanya sweeps in and folds Jack into a big hug. I'm certain there's still sparks between them, but it's none of my business — unless it affects team operations, and then I'll step in. Certainly Dad must know about their past. I'll have to ask him.


"I need to call him," I blurt.

Tanya and Jack stare at me.

"Dad. I'm sure he's watching from the hospital."

I find my phone and FaceTime Dad's number. He answers on the first ring, his eyes positively glittering.

"Kamari mou, I knew you could do it!" The top of Mom's head pops into the frame.

"Hi you two! Can you believe it? We won! First and second place! Look at all the celebration." I tilt the phone around the garage and call out, "Hey, it's Dad, he watched from the hospital."

A roar of cheers goes up, and I peek at the phone. Dad's holding his fist up in a victory gesture, and I even spot tears in his eyes.

"Dad, I'll call you later. I wanted you to know we're all thinking of you. Love you."

"Love you too," he says.

Mom grabs the phone. "Lily, I saw you on TV earlier. Get your hair out of that ponytail before you do any interviews. You look so much prettier with it down. Trust me on this."

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