Chapter 14: Rekindle a Romance?

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After a quick shower in the women's locker at the track — I'm not picky about stuff like that — I blow-dry my hair, toss on a white blouse and tight jeans, then turn to the box Tanya left for me.

I giggle when I lift the top. Inside are a pair of scarlet cowboy boots. I continue to chuckle as I pull them on. They're not me, but they're not terrible, either. I take a few hesitant steps around the room, getting used to the stiff, rough leather boots. They're are a perfect fit the moment I slip them on my feet. So tight I can feel the pressure of my toes poking against the end of the soles. My reflection catches my eye in the mirror, where I examine the red boots, blue jeans, and white blouse. Unfamiliar, but not terrible. I twist and look over my shoulder, liking the way my butt looks in the jeans and how the boots make my legs look longer.

I feel sassy, confident, even. I can do this. Go to a party, sleep in Max's room, help this team through this rough patch. This is nothing compared to what I experienced in tech.

I strut to the SUV, where Tanya's waiting in the back. She's dressed in a similar outfit, only her shirt is plaid and her boots are black.

"Hey, cowgirl," I say as I slide in.

We discuss boots and Texas for a few minutes as we drive in thick traffic to the downtown area, where the restaurant, and our hotel, is located.

"Let's get a little work done, I think we have quite a while before we get to the restaurant with this traffic."

I nod in agreement. Tanya's sharp, and I appreciate her no-nonsense attitude.

"We got some press inquiries about you. Specifically," she scrolls through her phone, "About your previous job."

My gaze darts to the window for a beat, then back to her. "What did they want to know?"

"One reporter asked if you'd like to discuss the circumstances of your fi-, er, dismissal. I told him no."

"Thank you."

"Others wanted to know if you'd like to make a statement about women working in a traditionally male field, like tech or racing."

I nod slowly. "It might not be a bad idea. What do you think?"

"I think I'm going to need more details on your previous situation. All I know is what I read in the papers."

All the earlier badass feelings evaporate. "It wasn't one thing, one event. It was years of being a woman in the tech world, and multiple instances of sexual harassment. Everything from investors trying to get me drunk, to trying to kiss me in the office, and once, I was going over finances with a potential startup investor and he whipped out his erect, well, you know."

Tanya grimaces. "Eww. I once worked for a team owner like that. He was a Silicon Valley guy."

I think I know who she's talking about, but I don't mention his name aloud. "I'm sorry," I say softly.

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