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"Lisa? Lisa, it's time to wake up.. I'm taking you to the airport at 9, remember?"

On any other day, Lisa Manoban would have thrown a pillow over her head, and offered some mumble about forgetting it, being more than happy to throw away her social life in exchange for more sleep. However, today was not any other day.

Today was July 14th. The day Jennie Kim began her tour. Although she would be traveling by bus to most venues, she was flying into Bangkok, where her bus was waiting and would pick her up at exactly 10:30- a half hour after her flight was scheduled to land.

What? She's not creepy... Just dedicated.

And, after all her begging and pleading, Lisa's mom finally agreed to drop her off at the airport, and pick her up at 10:45. After, hopefully, meeting her idol-slash-celebrity crush-slash goddess.

Yes, there was no way today would be an ordinary day.

After cherishing a few more, sweet seconds in her bed, the barely-18 year old finally got up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. A quick glance down at her phone informed her that it was 8:00, meaning she had an hour. An hour. An hour to prepare for what could potentially be the most important day of her life. 'Is it time to freak out yet?' the young fangirl asked herself.

Within fifteen minutes, the entire contents of her closet were spewed out across the bedroom floor, making it impossible to tell whether the floor was carpeted or had hard wood. She cursed herself for not buying anything new for the occasion, but reluctantly decided on a button-up denim dress with a red-and-white polka-dotted headband bow in her almost waist-long hair. On her feet, there was a pair of black low-top converse, per usual. Her mom hated them, and her friends would constantly mock her for them, but they were her babies.

With thirty minutes until it was time to leave, Lisa hurried downstairs. Her mother insisted on her eating a good breakfast, despite the fact that Lisa argued,
"If I eat, I'll barf it out all over Jennie's clothes, and then we'll never get married!" and she ignored her baby sister's comment about "not having a chance of marrying her, anyway". So, she finally agreed to sit down and eat a bowl of cereal with bananas and a glass of orange juice. (not in the cereal)

Despite her usual passionate love for food, the insane butterflies in Lisa's stomach kept her from enjoying it, and she kept on worrying that she was going to vomit all over the table, and then her mom would decide that she couldn't go to the airport if she was sick. Finally, (with much work) she finished her breakfast and hurried over to the sink, carrying her bowl and glass with her. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth and then we'll leave!"
Lisa called over her shoulder as she hurried up the stairs, only tripping once in the process. After brushing her teeth and running a comb through her hair, Lisa hurried back down the stairs and straight to the car, after making sure that she had her phone and wallet.

Once she was in the car, the Blonde-haired girl honked the horn, but only once, because she knew she was skating on thin ice already. Her mom hadn't been wild about the idea of taking her to the airport, (despite the fact that it was summer and Lisa had already finished all her work for next year, thank you very much) because she was convinced that summers should be spent on school work, just like the rest of the school year, and nothing good could possibly come from owning a fan blog. However, considering this is what Lisa had asked for her birthday, Mrs. Manoban figured she could make an exception.

"So, are you excited to meet this girl?" Her mom made a small attempt at starting a conversation.

"Mami, this isn't 'some girl'. This is    'Jennie Kim'."Lisa replied, sighing in emphasis.

"Fine, are you excited to meet Jennie Kim?"

"That's an understatement. Instead of butterflies, I have frogs."

"Why are you so nervous?"

"I just... I've been in love with this girl since 8th grade, and now I'm finally gonna meet her."

"In love with her, huh?" Chitthip chuckled.

"Don't mock me! It's a love story for the ages."

"Alright, dear. You have fun with your lover.. I'll pick you up later."

It was only then when Lisa noticed that they were at the airport. She sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm the small amphibians in her abdomen, and hugged her Mom goodbye. "Bye, Mami. I love you."

"Love you too."

After a quick door-slam and the sound of tires rolling against concrete, Lisa was alone. She inhaled deeply, closed her eyes, and counted to ten. "Stop being so nervous, Lisa. She's a person, just like you."

And with that, she turned and walked through the doors, turned towards baggage claim, and walked for what felt like 8 miles... Straight into Jennie Kim.

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