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"Holy shit.." Lisa's dark orbs scanned over the room, watching everything happen in such a chaotic fashion. She didn't know what she had expected, being backstage at Jennie's concert, but what she saw was certainly different than what she had seen when Jennie had taken her back into her dressing room.

Everything was moving so fast- the musicians, the wardrobe people pre-setting Jennie's costume changes, even her mom and brother over by the wall. Lisa wondered if they recognized her. After all, her face had been shown with her daughter's on national TV throughout the last week.

However, if they did recognize her, they didn't say anything. Lisa wondered if she had read Jisoo's text wrong, and if they were supposed to meet her someone else, and she was just about to call her when she heard the tapping of heels coming towards them. "Hi, Mrs. Kim." Lisa heard the crisp, velvety voice say as the model passed the woman who practically shared custody of her. "I'd really love to talk to you, but I have someone who I need to bring to Jennie.." Jisoo pointed Lisa's way and the younger girl looked down at her feet, avoiding eye contact.

Eventually, the older girl walked over and offered a warm smile. "Hi, I'm Jisoo."

"I know."

Jisoo giggled, causing the other girl to laugh, too.

"Oh, and this is my friend, Roséanne." Lisa became fully aware of the other girl's presence and she smiled as she said hi.

"So, I guess I better bring you to Jennie, right? I should probably warn you, though.. She doesn't exactly know that you're here.."



Jisoo was up to something, Jennie was sure of it. The face mask, the sneaking around- she was probably setting her up with another one of her model friends who was hot as hell but was incredibly dry and bland and boring. And to be quite honest, Jennie wasn't in the mood. All those girls were good for was sex, and for almost the first time ever, that wasn't what Jennie wanted.

She wanted to have an intimate conversation with someone, to listen, to talk, to cuddle. She wanted to fucking cuddle, and Jennie Kim was definitely not the cuddling type.

"Jen?" She distinguished Jisoo's voice and rolled her eyes in preparation for the stranger she was sure was there.

"What?" She responded sharply, standing up from her chair and slipping into the stilettos she had to wear.

"Just making sure you're still in there.."

"Jisoo, I swear to god, if you're trying to set me up with one of your mod-" Jennie whipped her head around, prepared to snap at the other girl when her eyes met wide, deep, brown ones. "Lisa.."



"Hi." She attempted, her voice was soft and everything about her emulated vulnerability.

"I...You ... What are you doing here?" Jennie's voice was shaky and unnerving. Where was the confident girl she had met just over a week ago?

"Jisoo... She flew me and Rosé over."

"Rosé and me." Jennie corrected automatically, but the furrow of Lisa's eyes made her smile sheepishly. "Sorry.. I'm- I'm happy to see you, Lily."

"I'll bet." Lisa did her best to keep her answer vague and blank, because she knew that the second she gave into Jennie, there was no way out.

"Listen, I-" Jennie started, but was cut off by a male voice as one of the people working for the venue entered.

"Miss Kim, you're on in five." The man left and Jennie turned back to Lisa,

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