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Lisa's POV:

There are three things in this world I am sure of:
1. My sister is better than me.
2. Pizza is the most amazing creation on the planet. and
3. Jennie Kim is trying to kill me.

After getting the wink from her idol, Lisa spent the better part of the fifteen minutes of waiting time they had trying to recover. The butterflies in her stomach were fluttering at top-speed now. And when the security guard told them they were about to let them in.

Alright, game time, Lisa. Don't run, or they'll make you go back. But walk fast.

And when, the gate was open, and she was power-walking faster than an old lady on Black Friday. And, although she felt bad, she thanked the Lord above when the girl she was racing with tripped and fell, because it helped Lisa get the front row, center spot.

Jennie's POV:

Perfect. Jennie smirked as she saw an increasingly familiar brown-eyed beauty came into view. Absolutely perfect. Her wardrobe specialist came up and straitened out her skin-tight black jeans and white, button-up high-low shirt that had circular slits in the shoulders and tied in the front with a black bandeau underneath. On her heels were lace-up black ankle boots with quite a noticeable size heal. She had silver hoop earrings in, and her brunette hair was perfectly straightened.

To be quite honest, she knew she was hot. And it came in handy, and she hoped it would help with Lisa, too.

"Jennie? Can you hear me?" A fuzzy voice came over her earpiece and she turned towards the backstage balcony and gave them a thumb-up. "Okay, the music's gonna start in about 10 seconds, and you know how to go on from there." Jennie smiled and shook her hair out. It's go time.

The concert seemed to fly by in a hurry. Much too fast, in Jennie's opinion. Before she knew it, 12 songs had been performed, and she was getting ready for the last one. "Okay, now I'm gonna need your help with this next one." Jennie said, shaking her hair out with her free hand. "Okay, so I love you and me..dancing in the moonlight"

She put the microphone towards the audience and heard the same thing repeated back, and grinned. "Good job!" Jennie giggled again, pushing her hair back for what felt like the millionth time that day, "And, before I start, I'd like to dedicate this song to the pretty girl I met at the airport today." Jennie smirked, not even looking down to see the look of utter disbelief cross the younger girl's face as the feline-eyed singer nodded towards the band behind her.

The song was one of Jennie's favorites. It was the first she had written all by herself, and had been her breakout single. That was why she was able to hear almost every voice in the audience singing along. She could feel what seemed to be a million eyes on her, and she knew that there was a certain pair of brown eyes burning a hole through her, but she didn't acknowledge them.. Until a certain part of the song.

"Look at you, now look at me
Are you ever, ever gonna find someone like this?
Look at you, now look at me
Are you ever, ever gonna find someone like this?
(Ever, ever gonna find someone like this)
(Someone like this)"

She dropped down to the ground and crouched with her knees together, less than five feet away from the very girl she was singing to.

Feline eyes met brown and a connection seemed to form as Jennie sang directly, keeping a mischievous smirk on her face. She saw a slow blush creep up on Lisa's face as the brown-eyed girl bit down on her tongue to keep from laughing. As the bridge ended, Jennie stood up and gave her third wink of the day, before walking over to the other side of the stage to sing to them as the song picked up.

Lisa's POV:

HOLYSHITHELLDSDSADOIUADSAIODUASIOGJGH. I'm dead. I've died and gone to heaven. And Jennie's an angel. She must be. She winked again. She sang to me. She dedicated a song to me. A song about wanting her.


As the song faded out, with the audience repeating the chorus and Jennie singing the hook until the music stop, Lisa could practically feel herself ascending to cloud nine. Waitnostop. I don't wanna go up there. I wanna stay down here with Jennie. DON'T TAKE ME YET.

"Thank you so much! You guys are so awesome and so loud!" cue the screaming. "Bye, I love you guys so much, thank you for coming!" Jennie smiled as she exited the stage, presumably to head backstage, send a quick tweet and instagram picture, and then head over to the meet and greet. Which meant it was time for Lisa to make her way over to the tent.

By the time she had got here, there was already about 20 people there, meaning she would be in the very middle of the line.

A few minutes after Lisa arrived, she saw the curtain ruffling on the other side of the tent, and she finally saw Jennie walk in. She cheered loudly with the rest of the super fans. Lisa smiled as she watched Jennie talk to and take pictures with other fans, almost melting because, hello? it's so precious.

When it was finally her turn, she met with the same smirk from earlier, and Lisa smiled shyly.

"Hey, what's your name?" Jennie smiled, playing innocent.

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows as Jennie grabbed a picture from her stack to autograph.

"Hi.. I'm Lalisa."

"Cute name. Got a nickname?"

"Yeah, my family calls me Lisa, but there's this one girl who calls me Lily."

"Cute. Does this girl have a name?" Jennie asked as she looked up with a smile and slid the picture over to her.

"Yeah, but I can't remember.. She was this cute girl I met in the airport today."

Jennie laughed, and Lisa added a point in her head, for making Jennie Kim laugh.

Lalisa- 8,
World- 6.
The other 7 were from the 3 winks, having a song dedicated to her, the cheek-kiss, meeting Jennie at the airport, and not fainting or crying when she met Jennie. The world points were from how many times she tripped that day.

"Bye, Lily." Jennie smirked, "Maybe you should actually read this one."

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows before taking the picture. From the table. She paused, looking it over.

'Go to the end of the table and hide under it. I'll let you out when the rest of the fans leave. XOXO, RJ'


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