Chapter Six

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Christmas came early and another update is here! I hope everyone is starting to enjoy this story :) I have plenty in store for you all with this one. Thoughts on the attached cover?


"The mind is not the heart." - Robert Frost

Memory Lane: Chapter Six

The rest of the week went by nearly the exact same. Even with the knowledge of needing to leave the house earlier in order to get to my first class on time, my body refuses to wake up at a reasonable hour. I have been late every day this week and I was only lucky enough to avoid being caught the first day. Since then, Mrs. Hyde has been giving me a warning a day to point me straight toward morning detention. Her threats have done nothing to make me wake up earlier. When I was late again on Friday and still was not given actual detention, I decided she's all bark and no bite.

There was no party this Saturday for me to make a fool of myself by drinking without meaning to. Even without the purpose of going to cure a hangover, everyone is still headed to The Oven Bird today. Kendall called me earlier this morning when Allen didn't respond to her excessive texts about meeting here for lunch since he was in the shower. So, as soon as he was dressed I drove the two of us to meet up with our waiting friends.

"Please just let me give you a ride! I feel so guilty every time you get to class late," Kendall whines, reaching across the somewhat sticky table to grab my hands.

I squeeze Kendall's small hands with a reassuring smile.

"I really don't mind walking. I actually prefer it."

"What if your luck with Mrs. Hyde runs out? I'm shocked she hasn't given you detention yet."

Allen takes a fry from the large basket he ordered as soon as we stepped foot inside The Oven Bird, putting his free arm around Kendall after adjusting his glasses that slid slightly down his nose.

"Mrs. Hyde doesn't like to follow through with things. When I had her last year for her junior class, she kept threatening to fail me if I didn't stop texting during her lectures. But, that was the same block that Kendall had a Study Hall and I knew it was one of the only times she would be on her phone during the day. I wanted to be talking to her instead of listening to Mrs. Hyde's monotone voice."

Kendall rests her head on his shoulder with a grin, and with starstruck eyes Allen leans down to set a kiss on her forehead. I could be uncomfortable with their displays of affection, as Quinn clearly is when she gags, but I'm not. My parents often showed their love for one another near me with stolen kisses, constant words of affirmation, and loving looks from across the room at any given moment. I know what love looks like because of them. So, I smile at Allen and Kendall as they stare at one another, stuck in their own little world.

"Aren't they just the cutest?" Quinn sighs from next to me.

I glance at her, "You were just gagging, though?"

"Oh, that wasn't because of them! There was a hair on my tongue. Don't worry, it wasn't mine."

I furrow my brow at Quinn, ready to ask why on earth the hair not being hers is a good thing. Then, over the loud music blasting through the speakers, courtesy of the TouchTunes jukebox by the pool tables, the bell on the front door jingles and my gaze shifts there.

Familiar messy, dark hair peeks through the doors, revealing Jesse's tall, strikingly powerful build as he steps inside. For a moment, everyone in the restaurant seems to go quiet. Jesse stands by the door in those silent seconds, shoulders straightening as he waits for the stares to look away. It seems that everyone else held their breath when he walked in, only now releasing it. His eyes scan the room as the chatter filling the restaurant starts once again.

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