Chapter Forty One

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"Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in." - Robert Frost

Memory Lane: Chapter Forty One

As sunlight gleams in from the large bay window of my room, highlighting the various shades of pink all over the room, I begin to stir from the brightness. I stretch my body only to instantly go stiff when I feel another curled warmly around mine. It only takes me a moment to recognize the fresh laundry scent, bringing with it a familiar feeling of comfort and security.

Jesse and I ended up falling asleep together last night, curled closely together in my double-sized bed. I'm sure seeing him in this bed is a humorous sight - a large, muscular man lying underneath a bright pink comforter and matching silky pink sheets (sheets that were strategically chosen by Aunt June because of their gentle touch on sensitive skin after the detergent scare).

I shut my eyes again as warm breath blows against the back of my head, keeping me warm as the frigid November air chills my room. It's then that I notice we left my window slightly cracked last night. Then, the rest of last night's events come roaring back into my mind and disrupt the comfort I feel being snuggled into Jesse's arms.

Jesse stirs in that moment. He lets out a small sigh as he begins to wake up and his arm that's currently draped over me flexes as he stretches. Then it holds me closer as he nuzzles his face deeper into my hair, another small breath of content passing his lips.

"Good morning," he murmurs, his voice deep and groggy.

And hot as hell.

He sets a warm, innocent kiss to the back of my neck and then another on the corner of my jaw, sending goosebumps up and down my skin.

"Good morning." I remain facing the other way, already tasting my morning breath and not wanting it anywhere near his handsome face. He was able to get past the ugliness of my legs, I don't want to test how far he'll be pushed...

He hugs me closer, pulling my back flush against his bare, broad chest as he kisses behind my ear and nuzzles it. My skin suddenly heats up as I realize that he really is shirtless. I must have either been so tired last night that I didn't notice (which is doubtful), or he tossed it off in the middle of the night because he got too hot. Regardless, the feeling of being flush against it is absolutely heavenly.

Then I allow the events of last night to come back to mind and I sigh. "You think Kendall and Allen are awake?"

Jesse lets out a small grunt as he untangles his arm from around me and twists his body around to the nightstand on his side of the bed. "It's nearly nine in the morning. Knowing Kendall, she has probably been awake for at least an hour."

I sigh. "If she slept at all." I turn over to lay on my back, catching his eye. The blue circles circling his pupils look bright against the morning light streaming in. "We should go down there."

Jesse seems like he wants to protest leaving this bed, but instead he sighs and nods. I sit up as he tosses the covers off of himself and gets out of bed, stretching his arms over his head. My mouth goes dry as I stare at him.

I have never doubted how muscular Jesse is - one look at him and you would know he has endless muscles underneath his clothes. But nothing could prepare me for how sculpted his chest and abdominal muscles are. Allen had been nice enough last night to leave Jesse a pair of sweatpants on my dresser for him to change into if he was to stay the night, and they are currently hanging low on his hips.

"One thing before we head down," Jesse says, the hint of a smirk on his lips as he acknowledges my reaction to seeing him shirtless.

I make some sort of humming noise in response as I lightly shake my head and snap out of my daze, also focusing on getting my cheeks back to a normal color. Jesse kneels back down on the bed and leans close to me, kissing my forehead with a tender touch.

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