Chapter Thirty One

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"My sorrow, when she's here with me, thinks these dark days of autumn rain are as beautiful as can be." -Robert Frost

Memory Lane: Chapter Thirty One

After finishing my interrogation by the girls (and another awkward run-in in the hallway, but this time with Uncle Tim who happened to overhear my kiss chronicles), I finally begin making my way over to Jesse's house. I was sure to send him a text beforehand, to which he happily replied that I was more than welcome to head over whenever.

Then, as if the instant cute response was too much, he had to cover it with a message about how he was looking forward to beating me in a game of pool.

With the storm barreling down all around us, I jog across the grass, slick with wet leaves, and stomp onto his driveway that has a small river of rain flowing down it. It reminds me of the small stream of whiskey that cascaded down the driveway that night nearly a month ago. When I gave away that my parents were gone. And well before the two of us realized our levels of understanding among each other.

As the rain continues to pound down all around me, I pull my raincoat tighter around my body and quicken my pace, running from the dark sky to find solace in his porch light. Fortunately, he has a covered front porch that shields me from the rain as I ring the doorbell and let the glow of the light provide me with a bit of warmth. Seconds later, Jesse opens the door. His broad frame takes up nearly the entire entryway, his dark hair messy and gray eyes bright.

He smiles. "Took you long enough."

I scowl. "I was napping."

"Ah. After the exhausting task that Aunt June needed you for?"


He leans against the door frame, crossing his arms as he studies me. "Which was?"

My chest suddenly stings from the lie consuming me. I can't tell him yet, so instead I just quirk a brow. "Are you going to make me stand here in the rain?"

"The porch is covered."

I roll my eyes. Jesse grins and steps to the side for me to come in, and as I step past the doorway  his fresh scent engulfs me. It takes all I have not to stop right in front of him and just inhale his calming scent, especially when his hand darts out to the other wall, preventing me from walking inside.

I peer at him above my lashes, trying to calm my racing heart from how he's boxed me in and how no part of me wants to complain about it. No, actually every part of me wants him to grab me and kiss me and then maybe pin me against the wall and kiss me some more.

"You don't have to tell me about whatever the 'task' was," he says, voice low and soft, "but can you at least tell me if you're okay?"

As my heart stutters, I rest my hands on his chest and raise myself to gently kiss him. Warmth begins spreading across my skin where his other hand comes to rest on my lower back, keeping me close to him despite the water droplets all over my rain jacket that are only dampening his soft black t-shirt. Our kiss is small and gentle, but I love the way both of our bodies react to even a touch as small as this.

"I'm okay," I say softly as we pull apart.

His hand on my back tenses and relaxes against it. "I was worried."

"You don't need to," I say. "Worry about me."

Jesse shrugs, lips twitching into a small smile. "Easier said than done. You were really panicked earlier."

"Now I'm not. And what you should worry about," I say, pulling out of his arms and stepping inside, "is how embarrassed you're going to be when I wipe the floor with you in pool."

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