Part 3~jugement

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It has been two weeks since Elijah was grounded he was hanging around at the music room more often to see Taylor, one day they had bumped into each other on the way to class and Taylor was knocked over and when Elijah tried to help she pushed him away, quickly got her stuff and left, so he had to know what she thinks of him.

Taylor walked into the music room, Elijah played the piano for a while before stoping "what do you think about Elijah?" Taylor look at him "huh?" Elijah looked at her "I saw you bump into him earlier, and I'm curious what you think of him." Taylor look away "well the question is what do you think of him?" Taylor looked back at Elijah "hmm, I don't think he is what people think he is, more misunderstood." Taylor look away, then back "well I thought the same thing till he beat up a guy with a knife, now I'm kinda scared, but he did save me and my friend, I also never got to say thanks." Elijah looked away when she said she was scared of him "what wrong way did you look away?" Elijah got up pretended to check the time then said "sorry I have to go." Before quickly leaving leaving Taylor confused.

Time skip - next day

Elijah was chilling in his room with headphones on, when one of the maids came in with a note. It read.

Hey, wanted to thank you for saving me in the alley way.

From: Taylor

Elijah looked at the paper before, folding it back up and putting it in his backpack, then getting ready for school, when he got to school he took the note out, wrote on it before putting it in Taylors locker, then getting to class.

Time skip - lunch break

Elijah was eating in the back of the cafeteria, when Taylor sat down Infront of him "I got you note." She said taking a bite of her food "ok." She looked at him "it's no big deal? Really you beat up a guy with a knife, how is that no big deal?" Elijah took a bite of his food, then said "look I was forced to be taught when I was 10, ok." She looked at him "at 10 you were taught to fight, or as slash win against a person with a knife." Elijah got up with his tray and started to leave, Taylor got up and followed him "sorry I'm just am wondering why, your parents would make you take lessons when you were ten." Elijah put his tray on the tray area and kept walking "hey, I'm just asking, you could at least respond." Elijah looked at Taylor "look first I only have a dad and I'm not in a good mood right now." He said before he turned around and left, leaving Taylor standing frustrated.


Hey sorry the chapter is so short I'm hanging with family.


(502) words

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