The Interview

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Nova woke up. It was Saturday. The day of the interview. 

As Nova got up and stretched, she wondered if she'll have to act like she's dating Milani during the interview. She's only been fake dating her at school. 

She picked out her clothes for the interview and got into her shower. 

Her mind kept going back to Milani. Pure anger was all she felt towards her. Milani already made it everyone's business that she was rich as fuck, but throwing money at Nova as pity? That felt like a new low.

Nova wasn't going to owe Milani anything. 

She got out of the shower and put on her black jeans with blue lightning on the back, a white button down with a black skeleton sweater vest on top of it. She added all her silver and blue jewelry and her Doc Martens. 

She made breakfast for herself and picked up the newspaper that was on her front door. 

She didn't know why she got newspapers still but didn't mind. She loved playing the games and reading her horoscope. 

Scorpio: You will find love unexpectedly this month. Keep an eye out for romantic gestures or people you wouldn't consider a romantic interest. You will also be betrayed by someone you consider close, so watch your back, and don't take it personally, because you will soon make amends with this person. 

Nova thought about her horoscope. Who wouldn't she consider a romantic interest? Maybe that cute guy in her class? 

Maybe Milani?

Shut up brain. She's the last person I would consider that for

She got angry again thinking about what happened yesterday. She's not a charity. 

She took a deep breath. She looked at the next part. That had to be about Jennie. Nova hoped she would make amends with Jennie because her absence was taking a toll on her. 

Nova looked at the clock on her wall: 9:15 and decided to head out. She grabbed a bag and a water bottle to fill up, but the tap wouldn't work. 

She took a breath. She's been having plumbing issues lately. 

She made a mental note to go to a hardware store and fix that. 

Nova abandoned her water bottle and went to her nearest bus stop. 


Nova got off the bus and went to their studio where they normally film. The whole cast plus the directors, producers and writers were there. 

Everyone got into a limo and they drove to the area of the interview. Nova and Milani sat next to each other (not by choice) and everyone could feel the cold intense tension radiating off each other. They were both angry at each other, and it showed. 

They got to the building that looked like it cost more than a first world country. One by one they got out and the head producer gave the limo driver instructions. The driver nodded and drove away. 

Nova clutched her bag. 

She was nervous. 

They went inside, got directions from the front desk, and walked to the interview room. There were chairs and cameras everywhere. Someone blocked Nova's path and said "Hi! You must be Nova, I love your acting. I'm your makeup person today, come on, let's get you ready for the cameras" and grabbed Nova before she could get a word in. 

He sat her down in a chair and Nova took a second to read his name tag. Damian. 

"Ok, I love your dark makeup going on, very goth. Also very different than your character."

Acting Like I Love Her (gxg)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin