The First Day

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“Thank you, Dr. KK.” Teju said boldly.

After listening to the appointed duties, Teju crouched a little as she was in gratitude and took the file to the emergency ward.

Alas, Karan didn’t get to see any fear or tension on Teju's face for the tough duty. It disappointed him in his heart, but didn’t let it reflect on his face. And walked out of the classroom.

“Everybody, move to your departments.” Dr. Prince ordered. He then noticed the tension on Jasmin's face and disappointed in his sister. According to him, she is a good for nothing.

“Also, if you have any problems with your duties or departments.......” Prince said these words overbearingly while looking at Jasmin deeply.

A pang of happiness arrived at Jasmin's face by Prince's words, which vanished like a thin air after listening to him further.

“Then, please don’t come to me, otherwise it may only increase.”

All started moving towards their respective departments when Teju heard some gossip about her and Dr. Karan.

“OMG, such a tough job on the first day itself, it’s like a punishment. Why did Dr. Karan punish an intern on the first day?”

“Emergency ward, to an intern on her first day. I just can’t understand the reason behind Dr. Karan's decision.”

“Why did Dr. Karan meddle in Dr. Prince's work?”

“Even I don’t get why Dr. KK is taking an interest in this new intern that, for the first time he interfered in Dr. Prince's decision?”

“Huh, is she the only intelligent doctor in this batch? Why did Dr. KK give her such a tremendous responsibility?”

Some hospital staff and a few interns were whispering such types of gossip and giving weird looks to Teju while passing by her.

Teju released a sigh and looked at her friend. She was least bothered by all these gossips her concentration was on Jasmin's grumpy face.

“Hey, JM What has happened, why the sudden long face?”

“My department is my problem. Dr. Prince appointed me in this department on purpose.” Jasmin said and gulped down the lump of saliva. She was on the verge of shedding tears.

Teju and Adaa gave weird look to each other.

“Don’t be silly Jasmin, General ward is a very common department, 4 interns got this duty, and even AK has the same as yours.” Teju said and hit Adaa's shoulder playfully.

Adaa rubbed her shoulder with a pout and said to Teju, “True, but I guess Dr. KK has appointed the emergency ward to you on purpose.”

Even though Teju knows that Adaa's doubt is correct, her duty does not bother her. Being skillful, hardworking and a self-believer, she knows how to deal with such kinds of challenges.

“Doesn’t matter, I will handle it.”

Teju has a confident smile, whereas Jasmin has a sad look.

“But I can’t deal with this. That Mansi and Manav are in the same department with me, they both never leave a chance to bully me.” Jasmin said helplessly.

“I don’t get it. Why do you take their nonsense, refute them in the way they treat you, you are not a kid?” Adaa said annoyingly.

“AK is right, JM, you should take a stand for yourself. Be strong, don’t let anybody bully you.” Teju tried to motivate Jasmin, but discomfort was written all over her face.

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