Serious Trouble

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Teju stride towards the cafeteria and found Jasmin was crying vigorously and Adaa was trying to console her.

"Jasmin, what had happened? Why Mrs. Ahuja landed in the ICU, when she had to get discharge today?"

Teju asked impatiently. Even though everything happened in her absence she is accountable for everything related to Mrs. Ahuja.

Jasmin got her savior back, she hugged Teju and keep on crying.

"Jasmin please, you are a doctor, stop being so weak everytime and tell me already, what's wrong had happened and how is Mrs. Ahuja's condition right now?"

Jasmin broke the hug and started telling the incident took place when Teju was on the leave.

"Mrs. Ahuja was nagging for injection, at first I denied but she kept insisting and even threatened me that she will forced the director to kick me out of the hospital, still I denied. Later she threw so much of fit that I had injected her only vitamin."

"What?" Teju covered her mouth by both hands in shock.

"Jasmin, didn't you read the case file throughly? Mrs. Ahuja is allergic from injections, even if the dose of vitamins, it can lead her to the death."

Teju was taut and disappointed as well. Jasmin nodded between tears and crouched her head in shame.

"I got thru it, but didn't imagine that only vitamin can be worsen to the level of threat to her life. I am sorry..." Jasmin sobbed again.

"Then what happened?" Teju asked impatiently.

"Fortunately, Dr. KK was available, he operated on her and saved her on time."

"How is Mrs. Ahuja's condition right now?"

Teju just wanted to know about her patient, nothing else matters. Even though she was operated, she need to be saved in all sense?"

"She is out of danger, still unconscious, but recovering well. She is in the ICU and I am in trouble." Jasmin got teary again.

"Why are you in trouble?" Teju asked in surprise.

"Mrs. Ahuja's family got to know about her worsen condition and the reason behind. Even though Dr. KK sustained them, they are asking for the name of the doctor in-charge, but he didn't disclosed yet."

"That's great, that he is doing his best to deal with the situation and protecting the intern of his hospital."

"But Teju, he is sulky and warned me that it can effect my career and also asked me that he want to see you as soon as you will be back from your leave."

"Alright, don't worry, I will face him, but do tell me is there any other complication with Mrs. Ahuja because of the injection?"

Jasmin nodded in no. Teju assured her through eyes and turned to go, but Jasmin held her arm making her stop and turn.

She hugged her again and shedded tears again while apologizing. "I am sorry Teju, please forgive me."

Teju tapped her back kindly. "Stop crying Jasmin and don't worry. I will not let anything bad happen to you."

Teju stood in front Karan's cabin door and wiped sweat drops from her forehead by a tissue paper, then rubbed the tissue paper on her sweaty palm and knocked on the door with fast beating heart after throwing the tissue into the trash can.

"Come in......"

A loud yell jerked her and she dawdled into the cabin with stiff face.

"Mr. Ahuja, please believe there is nothing to hide......"

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