The Bet

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Aly called it a day before getting into more situation like getting caught by Teju and bid farewell to her after wishing her luck for the night duty.

Teju didn't pay any heed to anything else and got busy with her patients. She later smartly managed her entire routine to get some sleep or at least  a proper rest, so that she will be fresh tomorrow morning before the class of intern will start.

Later she also has to plan something to get back on Dr. Karan for the lowly thing like blackmailing.

After getting back from work Karan was changing when something has fallen when he put off his blazer. He searched for the thing and found a small delicate 'T' initial ring.

Ahh, it's Dr. Teju's ring she threw it in recycle bin today in his cabin.

While recalling something Karan opened a secret drawer in his cabinet and took out a small exquisite handmade jewelry box. He opened it and took out the thing inside and start looking at it affectionately. It's a 'T' initial ring of little Teju from his childhood, which she tossed on him. Her can gaze it endlessly all the day.

Karan took both the rings in his hand and weighs the coincident in his heart. Both the rings were abandoned by its owner and landed into him. Both the girls were upset from him that's why threw this ring. A painful smile appeared on his sexy sculpted lips.

"Hey big brother......." Aly called for his brother and entered in his room.

Karan immediately put both the ring together in the same jewelry box, closed the drawer and tried to pretend normal but his actions were already caught the sight of his younger brother.

"Karan bhai, were you again adoring little Teju's ring in secret?

Karan didn't answer and made himself busy in fetching his clothes to get change and to avoid Aly.

Aly shook his head seeing his brother trying hard. "Pretending oblivious is not going to work always. Karan bhai atleast answer my one question."


Karan said without turning to Aly. He can't let his little brother see his eyes right now which has so many emotions and Aly can easily read it like an open book.

"Are you comparing Dr. Teju Kapoor to your childhood friend Teju? Are you confuse between the two?"

Karan turned in an instant with confused face. "What nonsense are you spitting?"

Of course he didn't think like this before. He loved his childhood sweetheart, Teju to the bottom of his heart and hate Dr. Teju to his bones, how could he get confuse between the two.

"Then why her pranks are effecting you so much? Even today you extorted her to accept the punishment for what, just a prank."

Aly was still bewildered. He wanted to know what is going on with his elder brother.

"Oh, so she told on me to you, I couldn't believe her?" Karan said sarcastically while unbuttoning his shirt.

"Not exactly, actually she was talking to her friends and I overheard the conversation." Aly told the truth.

"Whatever, I don't care. She was getting on my nerves with her attitude. If somebody will do pranks or fun around in my hospital or tried to take their job as a joke I will punish them regardless of who they are. Even if you would be on her place I would have deal with you in the same way. Did you hear me." Karan said sternly.

Aly scoffed and said, "Karan bhai stop being unusual of yourself. I know this is not you and you will get nothing by doing this."

"This is I am, Lucky and I am just doing my job as a dean of the college and hospital, training my intern. She will learn her lessons by these punishments and be cautious to repeat these things in the future."

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